v4.02m RATE of CLIMB TESTING: Bf109K4 flown by Kurfurst

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v4.02m RATE of CLIMB TESTING: Bf109K4 flown by Kurfurst

Postby TAGERT on Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:31 am

From the Bf 109 4.02 climbrates thread at ubi I asked Kurfurst to send me his 109K4 climb tests, where he said..

Kurfurst__ wrote:Sending them over now.

He sent me two track files, one with rad open and one with rad closed. Here is the results of the rad closed test.

summary table

ROC chart

Looking at hop2002's chart


We can see that the current v4.02 1.80ata K4 allready has 1.98ata performance.. So, I really dont understand why the 1.98ata K4 had to be added when the current 1.80ata K4 allready does (actully exceeds?) what a 1.98ata K4 was estimated to do?

Unless the 1.98ata is going to be given this current FM, and the current 1.80ata K4 is going to have it's FM tonned down a bit?

I guess only Oleg knows for sure. Very strange.. to say the least.

Here is a link to the full report in pdf format
Kurfurst's rad closed v4.02 109K4 ROC/TTA test

Here is a link to the track file
rad closed track file

Ill update this post once I finish the open rad test.
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