MSFFB2 and Win - 64 ...... Something to think about?

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MSFFB2 and Win - 64 ...... Something to think about?

Postby Bearcat on Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:47 am

This thread got me to thinking.... what will happen to us MSFFB2 users when we switch to 64 bit? How hard would it be for someone to make profiling software for the MSFFB2 sort of like the Dauz whatsiswhosis drivers for the Saiteks before they got their act together. Are there any of you geniuses out here who are up to the task? Even for a new set based on XP would be interesting... If we could get profiling software for the MSFFB2 that could do what the Saitek stuff does.. that would be great... is it doable? The stick forces seem to be present for the most part regardless.. but the profilng software as most of the more experienced simmers know is a major issue for any stick. I dont have a clue... and the software i am using now runs fine in XP.. but many folks have issues in XP and I can only imagine that they will increase with 64... now is the time to consider it I think... What do you guys think?

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