Hi All!

A place for discussion about VAC, get answers and chat with the author. This is a good place for ideas and problem solving. So come on in and make your posts now.

Moderator: Shift_E

Hi All!

Postby blaster454 on Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:33 am

Just sent my $10 the other day after dl'ing VAC for the 10th time ... each time I talked my way into using something else :? ). Now I've got v1.85 running and with some searching here have found answers to some questions about multiple qualifier keys (yeah, I've got Falcon AF :) ).

VAC is running very steadily and relaibly. It appears that VAC is much more reliable than your competitor Shoot -- which is probably destined for the trash can on my system soon! I am still trying to understand the PTA and PTD key functions versus the on/off function. I am also a ham operator and very used to using a press-to-talk switch...but I'll eventually get it through my thick head and get it programmed into the HOTAS for easy use.

Just wanted to say thanks for a fine piece of SW...I've piddled with VB programming before and know how quickly it can grow as you add features :wink:

I'll be in *experimental* mode for the next few days (err, weeks?) while I bring myself up to speed and get VAC implemented with F4AF and Lomac (and maybe a few others). Keep up the good work

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Postby Shift_E on Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:56 pm

Hi Blaster,

Welcome aboard! Thank you for your comments about VAC.

I’ll see if I can help clear up the PTA and PTD keys. There are 3 steps that happen in VAC when you issue a voice command:
1. The voice action is recognized
2. The recognized action is matched to the list in the profile
3. The key commands are sent to the application.

The PTA and PTD key will activate or disable step three. The PTA and PTD are often thought to activate or disable the microphone, but they do not. To activate or disable the microphone would require a hardware switch.

Now the VAC On/Off, that switch loads or unloads the speech engine that makes recognition possible.

I’m still working on the next update, it’s slow going, that will finally fix the <Numeric Enter> key. The update will address a few other items also.

A fellow VB’er salute! :) :smt023

Again, welcome aboard!

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