Command Line Parameters

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Command Line Parameters

Postby Sky Dancer on Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:03 pm

Hi all,
I was playing around with a batch file today trying to simplify things a bit. I use TrackIR4 aswell as Ron's V.A.C system when I fly, so the usual pattern of things was:

1) start VAC
2) load the profile
3) Turn voice on
4) Open TrackIR4
5) Start the flight sim

Well, being lazy, I have got all the above down to just one double click of a batch file, below is what I have used.You will need to edit it for your particular needs (file and folder names).

How to make a simple batch file:

First you need to ensure that all the programs you want to start with the batch file are in the old DOS 8.3 naming convention with no spaces etc in those names. For example, it's no good trying to start a program in the folder "C:\program files\falcon 4\Falcon 4.exe" as the spaces will defeat the process but "C:\programs\falcon4\falcon4.exe" would be perfectly acceptable, so ensure all folder & file names consist of up to 8 characters with no spaces etc.

1) Right click on your desktop and select New/Text document
2) rename the "new document.txt" to game.bat (replace "game" with the name of your game using the 8.3 naming convention. i.e abcdefgh.bat)
3) accept the name change when asked
4) Right click on the new batch file (in my case FalconAF.bat)
5) select Edit
6) type in the details, for my programs they are

Start D:\NaturalPoint\TrackIR4\TrackIR.exe
Start D:\Games\VACSys\VACSystem.exe Falcon-AF-version 3.0.xml,True
Start D:\Games\Falcon-AF\FalconAF.exe

7) close the window saving the changes

Voila, all the necessary action taken care of simply by double clicking on one batch file :D
Sky Dancer
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:32 pm

Postby mag_maverick on Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:01 pm

Hi Sky Dancer,

Thanks for the tip!

For those of us that have spaces in our file names and folders, you can use in the bat file if you surround with quotations ("). Example:

Start P:\NaturalPoint\TrackIR4\TrackIR.exe
Start P:\"VAC System"\VACSystem.exe IL2_FB_AEP_PF_VAC_v1-0.xml,True
Start P:\FSAutoStart\fsasctl.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\J D M\Application Data\FSAutoStart\profiles\PF+FB+AEP.ini"

It works.

Thanks, Mag_Maverick
Lance Air Corporal
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:27 pm
Location: San Antonio, Texas

Postby Sky Dancer on Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:19 pm

Cheers Mag, I had'nt even thought of that, great stuff :D
Sky Dancer
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:32 pm

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