One more close call for 52Zebra

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One more close call for 52Zebra

Postby 52Zebra on Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:42 pm

One more close call for 52Zebra

“ Just as I turned into the target I was hit, the fire was coming from an enemy AAA column coming up the road.
I was able nail the lead halftrack with two rockets as my 47 screamed past.
I then flew on to the primary, drop my thousand pounder right down the
Smokestack of one of the ammo train’s as it tried to make it’s way out of the rail yard.
The secondary explosions took out rows of cars on either side and all hell broke loose.
Zebra flight swooped in right behind me and wreaked even more havoc.
fire and smoke filled the air; parts of the train fell out of the sky like rain.
I turned for a second pass strafing a fixed Anti Aircraft position, then headed out of the target area, on the way I unloaded the rest of my rockets on the AAA column then got the hell out of there.
I was losing oil pressure fast; RPM’s were steadily dropping.
It was time to head for home.
I was able to nursed my old warhorse along about 80 miles. I was to low to bail out so I rode her in, I managed to crash-land in a field 10 miles short of the base”.

52Zebra OUT

Flight Sergeant
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