FAO: Shift_E (Using VAC to issue Server strings)

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FAO: Shift_E (Using VAC to issue Server strings)

Postby Snake_Eyes on Sat May 10, 2008 9:50 am

Good morning Shift_E.

I have a pretty comprehensive ArmA profile that works well. I have added some server commands, but cannot get them to execute in game. I have used the "Test Phrase" function within the VACBuilder, and my commands are recognised.

I think it is my Command list that is wrong, so I am hoping you might point me in the right direction.

Two example server commands are as follows (all syntax starts with the hash character #):
#vote mission
#vote restart

In my Command List I have tried:
a. Command 1 - Character Keys - #vote mission
b. Command 1 - Character keys - #
Command 2 - character keys - vote restart

None of my attempts are working (sigh). Could you tell me where I am going wrong please? Thanks very much.
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Re: FAO: Shift_E (Using VAC to issue Server strings)

Postby Shift_E on Sun May 11, 2008 10:08 am

Hello Snake_Eyes,

First, try the commands in Notepad, start VACSystem, load your profile then open Notepad and try your server commands with Notepad as the active window. You should see '#vote mission' displayed in Notepad when VAC is given the phrase.

I don't know how ArmA server command work, but I use VAC in World of Warcraft and to issue a in game macros I must issue the 'Enter key to bring up the prompt, then the macro command, like '/cast lightningbolt' and 'Enter' again. So I use 'Enter' as command 1, the the string '/cast lightningbolt' as command 2 and as command 3 'Enter'. Timing is the important item on the first Enter command there is a slight in game delay so I have to use a pause to wait for the prompt, then command 2 and command can be given without any pauses.

If you can enter server commands from the keyboard while in the game, then VAC can do it also.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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Re: FAO: Shift_E (Using VAC to issue Server strings)

Postby Snake_Eyes on Wed May 14, 2008 2:52 pm

Thank you for the reply Ron.

I will give your suggestion a go (I know it can work) it was just me getting in a Tiz with the Command order. Sorry for the delay in answering, have just finished a shift-cycle, so can experiment with the server commands a bit later this evening.

Will post to let anyone else who is interested in this side of VACs ability how I get on. Cheers again.
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