all aircraft

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Moderator: Shift_E

all aircraft

Postby loon on Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:06 pm

can you put all the aircraft from '46 in as flyable

I don't know what your personal opinion is regarding the mod community...but it is thriving and will not go away...even when 4.09 comes out.

and since new cockpits are being added almost daily, there are many who would like to easily alter missions to change the aircraft to the newly pilotable ones....

I have plugged you excellent utility at every opportunity as there are many who are a bit afraid of the FMB.....and although I am pretty accomplished with the FMB myself, still find I use the QMT almost daily.
Air Cadet Level 1
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Postby Shift_E on Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:02 pm

Hi loon,

Thank you for your comments. You can modify the QMT_Aircraft.txt file to add or modify your aircraft, QMT_Weapons.txt for weapons and QMT_Maps.txt for new maps. Create a backup of your QMT txt files and then modify them.

If you feel kind, you can post the results here for anyone else that want the changes. :smt023

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Postby loon on Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:50 pm

it is so the Aircraft.txt file.... just change the first letter in each line from an A (AI) to F (Flyable)...using the replace function in notepad
Air Cadet Level 1
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Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:57 pm

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