Full installation problems

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Full installation problems

Postby Trooper_747 on Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:38 pm


i'm new here, actually i heard about this software just last night and i thought i could try it. I saw on TIPS that in order to use it i should have MS speech engine(which i didn't have). Anyway i DL today VAC (the full version) and installed it expecting it to install speech engine as well. NOW my problem is that i don't have SPEECH on Control Panel and when i start VAC System/configuration/training ... I get runtime error 429 ActiveX component can't create object . Another problem is that when i load flaming cliffs profile on VAC builder and click on test phrase i get SAPI failed to initialize. I'm i missing sth here? I have microsoft office 2003 installed. I've tried installing the engine from the CD but still it doesn't show Speech on Control Panel.

Any help would be very much appreciated because i can't wait to try this software !!

Thank you in advance :(
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Postby Shift_E on Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:10 am

Hi Trooper,

Welcome. Here is a link I think will help you out Click here. You may have multiple problems, but let's start here with the 429 error.

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Postby Trooper_747 on Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:05 pm

Thanks Shift_E for the qucik reply. I downloaded WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe as you advised me to, but i didn't dowload it from microsoft website as i don't think that my XP installation is genuine because it is a bundle I bought in a store and it didn't require any serial to install. However i downloaded WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-enu.exe from another site, scanned it with Mcafee, installed it, reboot and still get the same error...
Do you think that all my problems come because of this bundle XP ??
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Postby Shift_E on Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:11 pm

Hi Trooper,

If your XP installation is not genuine, then you are most likely not running with all the Windows updates. VAC is built using all the newest components Microsoft offers, you may be missing these components because you can not do the Windows updates.

At least that's my best guess, sorry for being being of more help,

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Postby Trooper_747 on Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:29 pm

I'm very sorry too :(
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Postby MaXMhZ on Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:38 pm

Even non-genuine versions of XP will update if you enable automatic updates.
Right-click 'MyComputer' under Start, select 'Properties' and check which version it reports - probably 'Service Pack 2'. Problems can arise if installing new software like IE7from the MS site that trigger genuine 'Advantage' check. Then the package will not install but XP will keep running. If it fails the genuine check it will display a warning after booting and place the 'Genuine Advantage in the system tray though (make a restore point before doing the check lol). Check if the CD has a hologram image - In that case it's very likely genuine although I can't explain why it didn't ask for a serial during install. I know there are some developer versions out there without serial (called 'Master Copies' but they are very rare. Office 2003 has SAPI 6.1 - I don't know if that would be a problem for VAC.

Are you sure you installed SAPI? - If not you can run the installer from Office 2003 and unselect everything but SAPI, or re-install/repair the Office 2003 programs.

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Postby Trooper_747 on Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:36 am

Hello, Glad to be back again!! :)

I think i figured out why all those troubles, anyway, i upgraded my XP and finaly got speech recognition:) Now i reinstalled VAC it didn't even require that script update, loaded FC profile that i got from your site and trained the commands for some time. After testing some of them i fired up the sim in a-10, main screen . I had previously selected Z as PTA in toggle mode. First i thought i could try gear up/down command. What happened was that once i pressed Z and said gear down, suddenly i found my self out of the cockpit, and afterwards whenever i said that command again i could hear my own voice's echo and the command didn't trigger the action. I tested the command out of the sim and it matches perfectly... once in the sim... nothing happens. What's more strange, when i tried two_vector to airfield command... in mig 29 campain, still nothing happened but this time i didn't hear even my own echo ??? Again, i tested these commands out of the sim and they matched... what do you think can be the problem?

Thank you very much in advance...looking forward to your response :)
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Postby Shift_E on Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:24 am

Hi Trooper,

Welcome back and glad to hear you are up and running. I would suggest you try your profile without a PTA key assigned. I still regret adding the PTA feature, but what is done is done. :) Most games will see key combinations as a command to process, like ctrl-E may be assigned to eject. If you use VAC without a PTA key assigned, ctrl-E with be sent when you issue the command to eject and all the game will see is ctrl-E. Now throw the PTA key in the mix, you press <whatever key> and issue the command, VAC sends ctrl-E, but the game will see <whatever key>+ctrl-E and the command will fail. This may not happen in all games, but it is the single most problematic feature for users.

Try without the PTA key and if you feel you must use one, try the middle mouse button, then assign the middle muse button to a joystick button. I would stay away from assigning any keys values to PTA.

I hope that helps,

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Postby Trooper_747 on Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:20 pm

Hello Shift_E ... it’s me again. :( I really feel embarrased to come here and complain all the time, but either i have a problem here (probably lots of them) either i’m doing sth wrong. What i did is that i removed the PTA thinking that this would solve my problem, but it arised another one. Now when i test the commands (those easy ones like gear up/down or Helmet) i get mismatches most of the time. So i practiced some more, completed all training sessions and the result is still the same... And i was’t even inside the sim this time. I also print sreened a picture of failure but i don't know how to upload it so i thouht i might end it to your email if you want to take a look at it. I'm using the flaming cliffs profile which i dl at your site.

Thanks again for the quick reply
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Postby Shift_E on Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:57 pm

Hi trooper,

Don’t worry about coming here asking for help, that’s what the forum is all about. There are two things I can thing of, the first if you haven’t ran the microphone wizard, try that. For what you have said, all you did was to change the profile by assigning ‘none’ to PTA. Were before you did that everything to work in the VAC Builder. If that is correct then the second thing is the profile is bad. To start, try creating your own new profile and add just a few commands, testing along the way. If that works, then we how for sure the problem is the profile. :smt023

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Postby Trooper_747 on Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:34 pm

:smt041 Well i'm glad to be back with no more complaints :) :) !!

This piece of software is just AMAZING !!! I realized that it was all about speech recognition... somehow i had mesed up with the engines. Anyway I made 5.1 the default engine and then everything went smoothly, tested the commands in VAC (everything ok) fired up the sim (everything ok too). So don't worry about the profile as it work as it should, without missing a single command! I don't know what else to say but to Thank you very much Shift_E for this software and for all your support during these days :) Talk to to u soon :)
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Postby Shift_E on Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:18 am

Hi Trooper,

It's sounds like you did all the figuring out yourself, so you deserve all the credit. Good effect on your part! :smt023


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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:06 am

Well done Trooper! - and lots of fun with VAC.

To display a picture in forums (most use BBCode), you need to upload it to a place where it is visible'' from the net. Your homepage fr example, or if you don't have one you can use a service like http://www.tinypic.com or http://www.photobucket.com - these are free places you can upload your picture to. They will supply you with an URL, and then you type
Code: Select all
[img] yourpictureURL [/img]

in the forum message editor and the picture will be displayed.
To be visible it needs to be one of the following formats:

For windows messages GIF would be smallest. BMP is very big, JPG and PNG can be used for true-colour images. A free image converter/viewer is IrfanView It's best to keep the size low (no bigger than 800X600 pixels), so it does not disturb the forum formatting or annoy people with a slow connection ;) to post bigger pictures just type or paste the URL in without the img tags - then people can click the link to view :D

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