Cannot Seem To Get Anything

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Cannot Seem To Get Anything

Postby 3DFlyer on Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:09 pm

Hi Shift_E,
I've got everything loaded for Falcon4:Allied Force and cannot seem to get any voice. I have the profile loaded, VAC is set to on, but once I open the sim and get into the pit, I get nothing. It's just like it wasn't even on.

I belive I had this issue once before, but cannot remember what the fix was. I tried setting Process Priority to High and still nothing. I have been into the VAC builder and tested something like 100 or so random commands and it nails every single one of them. I have used 3 of the voice training verses just like I did before. War of the Worlds, The MS setup that styarts off, and The Wizzard of Oz. It nails every command outside of Falcon, but won't do anything inside the cockpit.

I'm totally stumped and at a dead end here.

Edited to Add: I forgot to mention that I'm using SkyDancer's F4:AF Profile that is posted in the user profiles section of the VAC website.
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Postby Shift_E on Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:14 am

Hey 3D,

It is usually the PTA or PTD key assignments, try setting them to none.

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Postby 3DFlyer on Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:31 am

OK, I'm totally lost. PTA? PTD? I have no clue what that is. I've looked for things that has that abbrviation, but don't see anything. I've been through that VAC builder and all my setting with a fine tooth comb.

Me and software do not get along real well. Hardware yeah, but software? I'm mnay brains cells burned from it. hehe :)
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Postby Shift_E on Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:48 am

3DFlyer wrote:OK, I'm totally lost. PTA? PTD? I have no clue what that is. I've looked for things that has that abbrviation, but don't see anything. I've been through that VAC builder and all my setting with a fine tooth comb.

Me and software do not get along real well. Hardware yeah, but software? I'm mnay brains cells burned from it. hehe :)

Hey 3D,

Sorry about that.

Load the profile into the Builder and set the Push-to-Activate and Push-to-Deactivate keys to 'none', located in the 'Profile Activation Keys' section. Then save the profile and restart the VAC System making sure the P and O are showing around the system tray icon.

I believe that profile has the Push-to-Activate key 'F13' set, set it to none.

P.S. I'm running on negative brain cells. :)

Let me know how that works,

Quick Mission Tuner
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Postby 3DFlyer on Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:51 am

I got that set and saved. It did have F13 set and i changed that to none. Will test tomorrow. I absolutely have to hit the bed. I got to speak with the Bossman early tomorrow morning about a deal we got going. I'll get on it after I get that finalized and get everything caught up.

Thanks man. I really appreciate the support. :)

On another note, this new 32" WS is very cool. It is very real when you're in the 3D pit in Flacon. The 2D pit doesn't support WS, but the 3D pit does and that's where I spend 90% of my time...well, when I have everything working. :wink: I'll get on it tomrrow. I have the HOTAS all setup and working again after the crash, and have my TrackIR working, and am getting my flying back in shape.

I'm so spoiled by VAC that i forgot how to engage the dang nosewheel steering, and had to look it up! LOL :lol: VAC also helps when i lighting the fire and going through pre-taxi stuff. Ramp Start's are a breeze with VAC...makes it so much nicer. I got it down to a science with VAC. I start flipping switches and calling out VAC commands at the same time. In 45 seconds to a minute I have the jet running and everything ready for taxi.

I have alot of things set into my HOTAS. It all works together to make it real.

Thanks again for the help. I'll see what it'll do tomorrow evening. :)
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Postby 3DFlyer on Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:35 pm

I have tried the new profile saved lastnight. Still nothing. I've different commands to make sure it isn't just missing some. I have check these commands against the manual, and they are correct in the profile, and VAC recognizes them outside of the sim, but I can't get anything to work inside the sim.

It works perfectly outside of the sim, and nails every single command i've tried and I've tried most of them now. It doesn't miss a single command. I've tried Low Priority, High Priority, and Normal on the CPU Priority. All PTA and PTD keys are set to NONE and have been saved. VAC is active, the profile is loaded, and VAC is on with a green "O".

I mean this thing works 100% perfect outside of the sim. Has not missed a single command. I've trained it and trained it. I know it cannot be the training becasue it has not missed one single command. Not a one. I just can't get anything once I load that simulator.

Now I'm wondering if Lead Pursuit is behind this. You think they've found a way to block background programs? I do know this, if they have, they better not have.
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Postby Shift_E on Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:39 am

If you are testing inside the VAC Builder, then the Push-to-Deactivate (PTD) and Push-to-Active (PTA) key are ignored. That means when you enter the game the PTA and PTD would function if assigned. What that means is all the commands would work in the builder, but the would not work inside the builder if the assigned PTD/PTA assigned keys are not pressed.

Let's do this, email the profile that is not working to me at vacsupport (-at-) dwvac (-dot-) com, and I'll look at it. Or, if you want we can connect via voice over the internet using Ventrilo, TeamSpeak or MSN Messenger and we can work it out in short order.

Let me know which is the easiest for you.

Quick Mission Tuner
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Postby 3DFlyer on Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:03 am

The profile is the exact same profile that is on the VAC website.

Here is a direct link to the one I'm using. I have not modified it at all except to remove the F13 we talked about.

Voice chat doesn't work real well with my connection. I'm using StarBand Satelite, and while ti has a fast Download the upload is not the best and the lag is terrible becasue of the satelite delay.

Here is exactly what i ahve done up to this point...

1.Downloaded and installed the VAC Full Install package.
2. Activated with the key you sent.
3. Downloaded the profile in the link above, and imported it into VAC.
4. Went through Mic wizzard config and setup.
5. Trained using the MS Training, Wizzard of Oz, and War of the Worlds
6. Loaded VAC, loaded profile, opened the builder and tested, and everything checks perfect.
7. Went into joy.
8. Set all PTD and PTA to NONE, then saved.
9. Closed VAC and restarted.
10. Went back into sim and still no joy.
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Postby Shift_E on Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:50 am

Ok, it sounds like everything is setup correctly.

I had to re-read the thread again. You said VAC works outside of the game, but once the game starts VAC appears not to work anymore. It could be everything is working correctly, but the keys being sent to Falcon are not correct, making it appear nothing is happening. You also though maybe Lead Pursuit id blocking other programs, I don’t think so, I don’t think their program could tell if the keystrokes came from the keyboard or VAC nor do I think They could block VAC’s processes or any other processes. That would just be too dangerous for them and they would run the risk of locking up the system or crashing it.

My best guess from what you have told me is, everything is working, but the phrases are not sending what Falcon expects.

Try to assign a sound to a command. I do this when I create a new profile, that way I have an audio feedback when the phrase was recognized. I know if the phrase was recognized, but nothing happened in the game, then the keys being sent are incorrect. Try this and let me know what happens.

Quick Mission Tuner
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Postby Ol' Roy on Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:34 pm

Hey 3DFlyer,
I had a similar problem, so I thought I'd chime in.

Check out my reply to clubracer911 Nov. 21, 2006 in this forum and see if it is of any help.

Ol' Roy
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Postby 3DFlyer on Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:06 pm

I'll get on this tonight when I get back. I out working with a guy right now. I'm in the EST timezone, so maybe something 8 or 9 pm EST I can get on it.

I assume what we're trying to do is isolate whether it might be the profile causing it. I hope there's nothing in there causing it. It's the same profile i was using before, but he might've updated or changed it since then. It's been a year since I downloaded it. That profile has just about everything in it.
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Postby 3DFlyer on Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:28 pm

OK, I got it working, now I have to figure out why the F4:AF profile isn't working.

I made up a Test Command called "bogus comand with phrase". I recorded a success sound like a "CHARGE! Bugle" saved it, and loaded it up, turned on VAC, went into sim, and said "Bogues Command with phrase" and sure enough... Da- Da- Da- da- dada...CHARGE!.

So, what we have here is a case where VAC works, it works inside the sim, but the profile isn't working. Me suspects a PTT button in the profile, but where and what is it assuming that is what it is.

I'm right back where I was with this profile though. I know that VAC works, but I still can't fly using it becasue the profile won't work.

This thing is trained perfectly, and I knew that it was. I also knew it worked becasue it had worked so perfectly before. It ain't a question at all whether VAC works, so if newcomers read this, that ain't it. This program rocks. I am having an issue and it's something simple, it's just finding it. This program works beautiffuly, and i've tried others...many others, and they don't hold a candle to how easy and perfectly this program works. You say it, it does it. I just need to find out why it's not right now. Again, it is not a fault or issue with the program at all. :)
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Postby 3DFlyer on Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:38 pm

You guys are not gonna belive this, but after all of this in this thread the thing is working all the sudden. I have no idea why. I have not changed anything. I simply loaded up the profile again, and went back into the Simulator becasue i could not belive it wasn't working, and it's working flawlessly now.

The only thing I have done is load that other profile and then load the F4:AF profile again. The only thing I can figure is that setting that PTA and PTD to NONE, and then unloading the profile and reloading must've done something. It might not be initializing right when you make changes, but I'm only guessing. When i loaded that test profile and then reloaded the F4:AF the problem was gone, and that's all I did. So sometime in between there the issue was resolved.
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Postby Shift_E on Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:57 pm

The important thing is the profile works for you now. I'm happy to hear that. :smt023


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Postby 3DFlyer on Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:12 pm

Thanks man for all the help. Sorry this one dragged out like that.

I really don't know what happened there. I wish I did. Something happened in between the time I had that Test Profile loaded and the time I reloaded the F4:AF profile. I was very careful not to make any changes at all and do things one at a time so i could isolate the issue and find the cause.

A few have had this issue and i was wnating to find what's causing it dangit. These are the kinds of things that are really annoying about computers. Computers just don't do things by themselves. Sometimes we talk about them like they do trying to explain the things they do, but they are machines. I hate problems where I cannot find the cause.

Maybe one day we'll find a common trend with all fo these and it'll point to something. I sure hope so. I really like this program alot. Voice Recognition is so neat, and it's functional. I've used alot of different programs, but they all had bugs and annoying things that would happen. This one does not. It's a special program, and you've got it together Shift_E. You've got a talent with this stuff. You've crossed the line from just the logic to the art of it. This is one of those programs that is a cut above and I like to support things like that.

Guys, if you read this, pay the fee for the program. It's worth every penny, and threads like this show why. Shift_E supports his stuff, and he routinely makes changes when necessary. Programs like this can cost over 200 dollars and won't work as good. Having full support can be a lifesaver. Try it for the trial period and pay the fee if you like it. I paid my fee after only 10 days because I felt guilty using it even though the tial still hadn't expired.

People like Shift_E give up their time to help people, and the small fee is not alot to ask. It takes alot of time to make these programs, keep them updated, work with people with all of their hardware/siftware configs, and help them through issues.

I can tell you this much... You won;t get this level of one on one support from Dragon and their Naturally Speaking. You can try out Shoot if you dare. I tried it and all I got were contstant program hangs. The commands would work for a few seconds, then it would start to flake out and issue randome commands somtimes, I would start missing commands, and then it was like you just turned it off. Ask a question about it and everybody has heard of that but nobody seems to have a fix for it. Yeah, I've tried them. I've tried alot of them, and I'm telling you the truth, this is the only program I have been able to find that works flawlessly. It is a special program. Shift_E did his homework, and he also is gifted with this stuff. He knows what he is doing. :)
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