This release of Mission Mate is exclusive to mission4today.com.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim for the continued friendship and support for the Mission Mate project over the years and to say that it is sites like M4T that keep this fantastic flight sim community alive.
Cheers, CrazySchmidt.

New In This Version (2.7):
This version updates plane listings for the IL-2 1946 DVD release. In addition to this there are 4 new maps (2 depending on how you look at it). Ardennes (Summer and Winter), Kyushu, New Guinea and Okinawa.
New Feature
Double Variable Airbase Occupation:
3 of the new maps (Kyushu, New Guinea and Okinawa) incorporate a new feature that allows the user to change which army may occupy each base at any time. To switch from one army to another just hold the mouse pointer over the airbase icon and scroll the mouse wheel, this will toggle between red and blue armies for that base. This means it is possible to have both bases occupied by the same army at one time, this however then requires the existence of carrier points on the map so the opposing army has a landing and takeoff point.
NOTE: Because it is possible to have both bases occupied by the same army, Mission Mate uses a proximity calculation when setting airbase and vehicle attack scenarios, this means that the target closest to the attack point will take the focus of the attack.
Finally, Japanese vehicle listings have been added to vehicle attack scenarios.