FB Compete Edition banned for Argentina ?!

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FB Compete Edition banned for Argentina ?!

Postby ignaciojavier on Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:42 pm

Dear Forum,

I recently tried to purchase through Amazon US the FB Complete Edition to save myself the trouble of exploring the arcane lanes of patching. To my surprise I found out that its delivery was restricted for certain countries among which is Argentina.

Does anybody know what is the possible reason for this ?

Is there any other online store where I could buy it safely ?

I´ll appreciate any advice.
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Postby MudPuppy on Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:24 pm

Honestly, I've never heard of this before. It sounds like a pain in the tookus.
Is this "Restricted Delivery" just for this version of the IL2 series; or all versions? I wonder if delivery of other games are restricted, flight sims or otherwise?
Curious :smt017

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Postby MudPuppy on Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:58 pm

Sorry, I immediately went into 'conspiracy theory' mode on this one. If you tried something else let me know, but Amazon.com listed the following in their International Shipping info pages:
We are currently able to ship books, CDs, DVDs, VHS videos, music cassettes, and vinyl records to Latin American addresses.

And they did list Argentina on the page right before this one. I'm assuming that the absence of software in this list is the cause.

You might want to try NWS Online Combat Gaming Store that is also featured on the main page of Airwarfare. I believ they do ship internationally. You can always contact them, it seems folks have had good communication when they did.
I hope this helps and I'm not just overstating the obvious.

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thank you !

Postby ignaciojavier on Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:09 pm

I will try the place you have adviced me. I suppose that South America is considered differently because there has been frequent bad experiences regarding thefts of mail deliveries.

Thank you again for your time and interest.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:38 am

Online shops like amazon or even e-bay sometimes blacklist countries or even whole continents when they have a lot of problems either on payments or delivery.Many services e.g. blacklist the phillipines because of the many scams originating there. I'm unaware of those things going on in South \america though. NWS Online shop does have a great reputation - try the link below my sig, or the one MudPuppy supplied. I would buy the latest version of IL-2 though. The complete edition will only install to 4.04m or 4.05m (I'm unsure here) while IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 will install to 4.07m only needing the latest patch 4.071m and the 4.08 that's coming soon. NWS has a great support and wide range of payment methods are accepted. IMHO it's a LOT better than UBI regarding delivery, payment and support. Best place to buy games online realy. An extra plus is 1946 is a real DVD (2 even - there's previews of SoW:BoB on a second included DVD).

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