Hi Fotoflyer, Welcome to Airwarfare!
The manual is located in the main game directory; default c:/Program Files/Ubisoft/IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/ It's a pdf file called manual.pdf and can be read using Adobe Reader from
http://www.adobe.com. The planes might seem a bit less complex than a modern jet, but there's still more than enough to learn. I would first setup your video optionsand commands. Both can be done through the game from the main menu.
Video modes and options are highly dependable on the system you have (Processor(s), Speed, and your graphics card.
When you click Controls in the main menu this will bring you to the control setup list. To the left is a long list of control names. Just browse to the one you want to assign to a button or key, click to the right of the name and then press the button or key to assign it to. If it's an axis you want to assign (all axis are at the bottom under "HOTAS", the procedure is to click and then move the axis. How many you can assign depends on what joystick/HOTAS you use. IL-2 is highly configurable and can be run on allmost any system. Next it's on to Quick Mission Builder where you can setup a quick mission and fly to test things out. If anything is incorrect, just press Ësc", and you will see a menu from where to enter the Control section again and can re-assign anything if needed. Just play along with it and if there are any questions just post. We'll all be glad to help.
A good plane to start with would be the La-7. This has all the trimmings available and is quite easy to handle (and fast too).