Strange VAC on/off mode behavior with TrackIR

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Strange VAC on/off mode behavior with TrackIR

Postby mag_maverick on Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:19 am

Have VAC to start in off mode when first loaded using a bat file with the command line:

Start P:\"VAC System"\VACSystem.exe IL2_FB_AEP_PF_VAC_v1-0.xml,false

I also use TrackIR with F10/F11/F12 function keys set to Pause-Resume/Center/Precision respectively.

When I load a mission of any kind within the game with TrackIR in the "on mode" (green light), then turn on VAC with Ctrl+NumPad period. All of the above mentioned function keys for TrackIR stop working. TrackIR is working (can look around) but the function keys do not respond. All of the other function keys (Chase View/Fly-by View, External View) also work. Then if I turn off VAC and turn VAC back on the TrackIR function keys for TrackIR start working and work throughout the entire mission.

This happens with all my flight sim games: CFS2, CFS3, Mig Alley and IL2-1946 I've also tried changing the VAC on/off command but the results are the same.

I recently had to reformat my hard drives, reinstall windows and all my programs. Prior to to the reformat I did not have this problem with this same setup. Any suggestions?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:24 am

From your description, I get the distinct impression this is not caused by VAC since it did work before. Did you install VAC the right way? (maybe try a re-install) It sometimes matters in which order programs are installed on a windows OS system too. When you installed it when it worked with TrackIr, did you install TiR and VAC in the same order when you have problems?
If it's a VAC or TiR problem, or the two working together, maybe one of the users who had a simular problem can help you.

Anyway, Good luck getting it to work again.

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Strange VAC on/off mode behavior with TrackIR

Postby mag_maverick on Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:00 am

Thanks for the reply MaXMhZ.

VAC uninstall and re-install was on my list. I first wanted to find if anyone had a similar experience with this problem...and possibly an easy fix.

Unfortunately uninstall/re-install did not work. After some additional experimenting I've found that if I start from a fresh boot everything works find the first time. If I the exit game, VAC and TrackIR then restart VAC, TrackIR and the game I'm back to the same problem.

I found a backup copy of my original bat (pre-reformat) file to start VAC, TrackIR and game. I was actually loading VAC in the "on state" or "True". So I cannot accurately say that the "off state" or "False" worked in my pre-reformat setup.

It's kind of weird that I can turn VAC "on" then "off" the back on and everything is OK. Anyway I guess I have to live with that if I want to start VAC in the "off state". VAC is still the best I've used. The others I've used have had far greater problems than VAC. VAC is easy to use, easy on computer resourses and flexible.

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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:53 am

Sorry you didn't solve it yet - I'm sure Shift_E will be along one of these days, maybe he knows a solution.
I'm glad you like VAC; I hear a lot of satisfied users and Shift_E's support is great.
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Postby Shift_E on Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:28 pm

Hi Mag,

This is a tough one, I don’t have TrackIR so I can’t test for what is happening. All I can do is make guesses. My best guess after reading through your post again is “Ctrl+NumPad Period” has some meaning in TrackIR. Even the “Ctrl” press may have an effect to TrackIR. Again, I’m only guessing here.

The only change I see in your setup from your description is before the reinstall you started VAC in the “on” state, now you are using a key combination to start VAC. I’m sorry I’m of little help.

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Strange VAC on/off mode behavior with TrackIR

Postby mag_maverick on Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:20 pm

Hi Shift_E,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Tried change on/off key combo to Alt-NumPad Period...same results.

Not sure I understand your second suggestion. I uninstalled VAC completely and reinstalled and again same results.

It just a minor nuisance I can continue to work around as mentioned in my previous email.

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Postby Shift_E on Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:52 pm

It was more of an observation that a suggestion. You said before the install you started VAC in the "on state" or “True”. Now you use a key combination to start VAC. As far as I can tell this is the only thing that has changed from when VAC and TrackIR worked to now. I don’t know anything about TrackIR to form any type of theory.

I’m happy you have found a work around and like you said maybe someone else has seen this and can offer more help than I can.

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Postby 3DFlyer on Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:41 am

Try doing it without using the ALT, Shift or CTRL keys. It may be playing with something inside the TIR software. I don't know if that is what is happening, but it's a possibility. Since I don't own IL2 you'll have to see which keys you can use as I don't know which keys are already used in the simulation.
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