My new project Voice Activated Command

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My new project Voice Activated Command

Postby Shift_E on Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:41 pm

I’ve been working on a new project I call Voice Activated Command (VAC) which will allow you to issue commands by voice. VAC’s main features are:


A profile and command builder.
Unique method for command phrase recognition.
Activate key switch.
Deactivate key switch for use with voice over the Internet programs.
Can have multiple commands for each action.

The unique method for command phrase recognition greatly eliminates unwanted commands issued from ambient noises.

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Voice Activated Command
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Postby CrazySchmidt on Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:59 pm

Damn that looks good Shift_E. I'll be looking forward to new updates with this baby when you have them.

Very cool.

Cheers, CrazySchmidt. :)
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Postby Shift_E on Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:15 am

Thanks CS. It's pretty close to being done. I had the recognition part done for sometime, it was the profile builder that took the most time.

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Voice Activated Command
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:37 am

I've always been interested in trying out a VAC (I'll use your name here), the one that I've seen the most is Voice Buddy.

I note that you have a "Deactivate key switch for use with voice over the Internet programs". I use Teamspeak and still use the voice-activated mode, as I still can't get TS to recognise a key from my joystick. Anyway, I'll have to work it out otherwise when I try VAC out I'll be issuing commands such as "gear up" to my whole squad :o !

I also use the viewing angle switching a lot. So from wide to gun sight is often used, I can see VAC being great for this.

Anyway, looking forward to this Shift_E (also got your latest version of qmt, thanks)
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Postby 96th_Nightshifter on Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:43 am

This looks cool mate - great work, I have tried a 'similar' program before and didnt have too much sucsess lol saying 'gear up' and your wings retracting is only amusing for so long.

I'll definately be giving your program a try :D

Thanks for your efforts
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