invisible runway

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invisible runway

Postby shockandawe on Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:42 pm

Okay, so I was trying out a basic single mission to try to actually complete one. I flew around, blasted things, then called the tower to get a vector home. I found some of the other planes in my squadron already there buzzing around. I asked tower for clearance to land and kept asking for a vector... I flew back and forth over the spot indicated but nothing was there! There was no runway to fly in to so I could complete the mission.

I also went looking for another mission from downloads that I could start off with and found one called "Rookie Pilot". That sounded good so I read on and found that the author said: "I used the invisible runway so you don't get the boring EAW style congo line take off. 7 years on and we still have that.. sigh." Now forgive me folks but I don't quite follow. Did they really have invisible runways back in the old days? If this download was intended as a beginner mission why did this person put in an invisible runway?

Do you have any suggestion for a good bonehead starter mission for me with none of this kind of crap in it? (Yes, I'm starting to get a little frustrated.)

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Postby MaXMhZ on Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:05 pm

I think it's a trick so you can use a grass area for takeoff/landing. This is much closer to the WW II grass fields that were used for airfields at the time than the runways you'll see standard in the game. It's got nothing to do with the invisible man or UFO-type technology ;) Maybe some of the others can explain more/better than me... You could also visit the M4T forums - there are a lot of very talented campaign/mission builders visiting frequently there.

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