Hi mate,
The problem with such things is the way that aircraft are "grouped" together making it very hard and in some cases impossible to get everything to fit on all aircfaft models that are in a group.
If you look at the CoopRegt folder then you will find sub-folders for numbering MATs for various VVS aircraft groupings. There are also the same sub-folders in the Randomised folder for the randomised numbering. The MAT file parameter that you need is as follows :
The first yellow area highlited allows limited placement and/or scaling tweaking of the graphic. The "TextureCoordScale" parameters are as follows the first number moves the graphic left and right, NOTE minus numbers move it to the right, the next number moves the graphic up and down and the last two numbers change the horizontal and vertical scaling note LARGER numbers make the graphic SMALLER. Note MAT files which load a two-digit number eg. those plane numbering MATs with "C" in their filename have two such sections (layers) within the file each of which points to one digit of the number (one TGA file) and placement/scaling parameters for each digit.
The second yellow are highlighted allows a colout "tint" to be applied to a graphic for example if you design a white coloured graphic and wish this to be displayed in another colour then this is how it works. The first three parameters of the ColourScale are values of Red, Green and Blue ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 = 0 and 1.0 = 255. So if, for example, these parameters are set to 0.501 0.501 0.501 then your graphic will be mid-tone grey (Red 128, Green 128, Blue 128). To convert from RGB values in your graphics program DIVIDE the Red value by 255 then do the same for the Green and Blue values eg. 128/255 = 0.501. I have taken this to three decimal places. I'm not sure what the final parameter does , I though it might be some form of intensity value but settings other than 1.0 cause the graphic not to be displayed !. Astroman has used this to produce one set of white coloured number TGAs and three sets of MATs each with different ColourScale values to display them in different colours
The third higlited parameter is the file path to the graphic (tga file) that is loaded.
Note the sample MAT file scematic doesn't show edited values for lighting effects and alpha transparency but the MAT files included in MAT Manager have these set.
Also please bare in mind that there isn't one MAT file to edit but rather potentially hundreds as each aircraft grouping has MATs to load a number on the left and on the right of each aircraft in the grouping and, in the case of two-digit numbers one MAT file to load on both sides. Also one has to condider that there are four "regiments" so multiply that by four to do all if wished. The program currently includes more that 100,000 edited MATs a stunning figure I guess
Regarding the Bomber number I'll see what might be done but again there are many planes lumped together in groupings. So you ight well find that it's perfect on your Pe-2-359's but totally screwed up on several more aircraft in the same grouping. An excellent example of this is the option to re-position/re-size RAF lettering. Looks brilliant on Spitfires and Hurricanes, but then look at a P-40 or the Gladiator that shares the same grouping as the Hurricanes and it's not so good, that's why I included and option to enable it and disable it.
BTW if you do manage to obtain what you're after then please let me know so that I may be able to share this with others in MAT Manager. I always give credit to others for their work in MAT Manager. Beware MAT file editing especially en-mass is tedious, tiring and often fruitless but worth it when things come together