Problems with FLAMING CLIFFS

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Problems with FLAMING CLIFFS

Postby GADGET on Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:27 am


I updated to FC recently (Starfoce turns me down) and I was trying to use a good profile for this sim.

It happens nevertheless, that no matter what combination I try, I can not activate the COMMS MENU with VAC, key \ in the game.

Other functions are fine, but this key is hopeless.

This is my profile (or part of it):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Flaming Cliffs command Set-->
<command name="Two_Vector_To_Waypoint" phrase="Two Vector To Waypoint" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F3" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Vector_To_Tanker" phrase="Two Vector To Tanker" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F3" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Vector_To_Base" phrase="Two Vector To Base" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F3" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Smoke_On" phrase="Two Smoke On" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F6" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Smoke_Off" phrase="Two Smoke Off" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F6" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_RADAR_On" phrase="Two Radar On" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F4" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_RADAR_Off" phrase="Two Radar Off" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F4" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Pincer_Right" phrase="Two Pincer Right" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F3" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Pincer_Low" phrase="Two Pincer Low" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Pincer_Left" phrase="Two Pincer Left" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F4" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Pincer_High" phrase="Two Pincer High" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Music_On" phrase="Two Music On" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F5" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Music_Off" phrase="Two Music Off" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F5" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Jettison_Stores" phrase="Two Jettison Stores" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F8" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Cover_Me" phrase="Two Cover Me" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F7" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Attack_Ships" phrase="Two Attack Ships" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F6" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Attack_My_Target" phrase="Two Attack My Target" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Attack_My_Enemy" phrase="Two Attack My Enemy" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<command name="Two_Attack_Ground_Targets" phrase="Two Attack Ground Targets" successphrase="" sndok="" category="COMMS WINGMAN TWO">
<key value="\" extended="NONE" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F2" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F1" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>
<key extended="F5" pause="100" repeat="1" duration="200"/>

Any help would be appreciated.
Lance Air Corporal
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:06 am

Postby Shift_E on Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:52 pm

Hi Gadget,

I'm not sure if this thread will help you or not - ... ing+cliffs.

The 'meat' of the thread was to try your profile without a PTD or PTA key assigned.

I hope that helps,

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Postby GADGET on Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:47 am

Thank you Shif-E for your fast response.

Very kind and helpful, as usual.

I am not using PTA or PTD, as I already had bad experiences with those functions, as you must remember.

I also tried increasing pause and duration of the commands, up to 500 ms each, one step at a time, with no luck either.

I suspect more of a problem with LOMAC FC code itself.

The function works when using the keyboard, or Cougar, but for some reason it doesn't work with VAC.

I will keep trying.
Lance Air Corporal
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Postby GADGET on Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:53 pm

Definetely I suspect of LOMAC code.

I have changed the key \ (default for comms menu) for the key TAB and still doesn't work.
Lance Air Corporal
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Postby 310thDizz on Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:31 pm

I'm using VAC with Lomac with no issues. Be sure you don't have your \ key trapped (and unavailable) by another program such as Track IR.
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Postby GADGET on Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:25 am

I do not have that key locked by any other program. Nevertheless I am using a G15 keyboard, that can lock some windows keys during the games.

The key \ is not any windows key nevertheless. The keyboard come from US, but my windows is ths Spanish version, if it has something to do.

I will make some test.

On the other hand, if your profile works fine, I would be very grateful if you could e-mail it to me, to compare setups (maybe that is the reason).

My mail is gadget(here goes the at symbol)

Thank you.
Lance Air Corporal
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Postby 310thDizz on Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:39 pm

Sorry I didn't see your post sooner Gadget. I've been under the weather lately and not making my usual rounds. I just e-mailed my profile...hope it helps.

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Postby GADGET on Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:18 pm

Muchas gracias
Lance Air Corporal
Posts: 19
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Postby Snake_Eyes on Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:03 pm

Hi Gadget. Rather late with input to this thread, but this is my "fix" it may help someone else.....

The "\" has never worked for me as the Wingman Comms Key, ever since I purchased Lock On in November 2003. It didn't matter what keyboard I used either (Infrared, or plugged in), the "\" key did not want to know.

In those days I used Shoot as my voice activation program of choice. I substituted the "\" key in Shoot/Lock On for the "Y" (Toggle Info View) key. To get around the problem. (Didnt fly anything but the F15 anyway so any keys not used specifically with that cockpit were flexible)!

The "K" (Execute Pugachevs Cobra) key is used to Key my microphone on/off.

It has been documented at least once in the Forum that FC had received subtle changes to its code. Therefore, any virtual pilot using a PTT key, and subsequently keeping that key pressed down during his/her transmission, produced undesireable results e.g. Informing the tower "Inbound" (with the PTT key pressed in during the transmission) resulted in Lock On interpreting the key press as an F3 - Fly By (the last keypress). And switched to that view accordingly.

My way around the problem is to still have "K" as my PTT key within VAC. but instead of leaving it as default, I have selected the "Arm" radio button. (In the "Profile Activation Key" section of VAC, you will see the three choices of "Default; Toggle or Arm).

In this instance. One press/push of my HOTAS switch puts VAC in an "armed" state, which basically orders the program to: "Wait for my voice command, and do not exit this state until you have received, understood and executed my order - when successful, return to your listening mode". In other words, this part of the Program carries out the same function as the "Test Phrase button" - key presses aint going to happen - unless I, VAC understand it - Savvy?

VAC, in this "Arm" mode, will not release the PTT until it has understood my order. It doesnt care if I keep the key down. Which is brills for all those that like to keep a "switch" pressed in while transmitting!

Thinking about this. In "Arm" mode, VAC doesnt care if you use your key as a PTT and keep it in. It just switches itself on, and wont switch itself off until the command is understood anyway. VAC will not penalise you for not pressing once, then releasing!

FC and F4:AF have both worked without problems.

Of course, using Team Speak, or Ventrilo, requires a PTT. Shift_E may be working on an external, real life (Clan/Squadron) people (not game) VoIP section to VAC as I type?
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Postby Polecat on Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:24 pm

Vac workis perfectly well in FC for me when I assign middle mouse button as ptt and then program my stick to press and hold middle mouse button for vac while flying.

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Postby 3DFlyer on Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:01 am

LOMAC and Starforce both are nothing short of a virus. After ridding my system of both pieces of crap I took the CD and snapped into a few pieces and deposited it where it the trash, so it could never again infect somebody's computer.

Avoid titles that use SF, and avoid ED titles. The computer you save might be your own. If people stop buying this trash, they'll stop pushing it on us. People over in Russia might put up with that crap, but here in America we don't. If they want that crap infecting computers they can infect their own with it.

I sincerely hope that one day these individuals will be made to pay for all the damage they have caused. ED and StarForce ruined a 300 dollar DVD writer of mine and hopefully I'll be able to get my losses back for it.
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Postby Rattler on Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:34 pm

I just went to lockon Fc. Vac worked perfect in lockonv1.02 but FC has the training missions radio assist button not active for some of the A/C. Just make a copy of the training track, change a couple of things and save as example training301 make it training301a. As far as I can see it fixes the problem with FC. I have had no problems since I have done that, or you can download tracks and they should work. Lock on FC and Lockon training missions always had some sort of problems. I know VAC is different but if you don't activate for comm in track or mission info then for training track or missions all you get is your own A/C commands and they all work. Cheers. Hope this helps.
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Lance Air Corporal
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