No benefit by using separate throttle (HOTAS) in flight sim?

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No benefit by using separate throttle (HOTAS) in flight sim?

Postby LittleL on Sat May 20, 2006 8:24 pm

Hi all,
I just want to share an experience I've made while using a HOTAS-stick (X 52) for combat flight sims (especially Il2/PF):
I'm sure I'll never be the Erich Hartmann of the internet for many reasons, but one thing still bothers me since long, so I'd like to share my point of view with some more aircombat experts than me:
After having done quite a lot online air fights, I just can't see the advantage of using the throttle of a HOTAS stick!
HOTAS intends never to move your hands from throttle and stick. I never reached that "goal".
As I believe in the "loose sight, loose fight" rule, I always try to look around as often and "purposeful" as possible. As I can't move my head to do this (like real combat pilots can do in their professional sims or in real life) I have to use - for "moving my head" - either the mouse or the coolies.
Coolies work most of the time, but have a very special disadvantage, in my opinion: The speed, angle etc. for the "eye move" is set by the computer or is a fix "programming" of the user.
The mouse is the only input device which runs "smooth" like if your moving your head.
So, disappointed after many many hours of "finetunig" the coolies for heaving the best view, I "switched" back to the mouse.
With the effect of a permanent movement of my left hand between throttle and mouse. Often enought this took too much time, I lost sight... you can imagine the rest.
Maybe there are guys who switch from mouse to throttle and backwards much faster than me, but considering the disadvantage of a computer sim having to use a fixed screen in front which prevents to be able to use your head for changing the sight, I don't see any alternative to use the mouse for view changes, therefore the throttle is more or less useless.
So, experts and "Erich Hartmanns"! Do you share my opinion?
Or do you have some advise for me??

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Postby MaXMhZ on Sat May 20, 2006 9:51 pm

Sounds to me you never found the right speed for the view move; did you put the hat-switch into "mousemode" ? Byt then again if you find it that important TrackIr would be a better solution. But I must admid I also still use the keyboard - even with a combo of x45 throttle and saitek evo stick. so it's not realy total "hands-off" The buttons I programmed, and especialy the rotaries I do see as a huge advantage though, they let me control the plane much better.

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Postby LittleL on Sun May 21, 2006 9:10 pm

Hey MaXMhz,
thanks for your post!
Yes, I've also tried the "mousemode" for the coolies (hat-switches), but they didn't satisfy me much compared to mouse usage.
I agree, the rotaries were useful, especially for trimming, propellers etc.
I'd prefer a mouse having rotaries and some slide switches (for flaps etc.), but such a mouse doesn't exist...
The TrackIR sounds interesting. Do you have one? What's your experience with it?
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Sun May 21, 2006 10:09 pm

I'm a long time TrackIR user and have to say I can't fly without it anymore ( I used to use the mouse with the scroll wheel set as the throttle before I got HOTAS and trackir and it worked well).

TrackIR is worth a look, do you know anyone that has one? It's not for everyone but most people who have it love it.
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Postby dieg777 on Wed May 24, 2006 1:49 pm

Hi - you said that you had used utilities for your hatswitch before but I used viewplus

and found it very configurable for speed and views - newview is similar - both are free and found in essentials section

however since moving to Track Ir I couldnt fly without it - I have reviews in this forum or in the main site with comments from other users-

this will free up your throttle hand and allow better use of your gear.

I also use an X-45 and find the extra buttons and especially the roteries very useful

good luck
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Postby Stiglr on Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:52 am

From your description, you simply haven't put in the work to learn how to use a hat switch. Views shouldn't be on your throttle anyway; they belong on your JOYSTICK. That's why they put hats on joysticks.

If you can get a TrackIR setup, sure, it's nice. But it won't do anything for you that you can't get from a quarter-inch thumb movement.

The viewing hat is a classic, and I think you can't beat it. With one 8-way hat, (I've used a four-way hat in a pinch, and done well with just that!) and one pinky switch to add the "up modifier", you can see all over the sky with the same hand as you use to maneuver the plane. It's simple, it's intuitive... it's the thing to do!!

Then, following that, you can use a good throttle unit for things you use in combat, like flaps, WEP, air brakes and such. Or for modern sims, radar and avionics toggles.

Anything else you can relegate to the keyboard, because you're not as likely to need to use it in the thick of combat.

I advise you to train some more on the "low tech" hat switch until its second nature. It's like riding a bike; it seems hard at first, but then it becomes natural and you never forget it.
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