Screen SHot Goodness From UBI

Storm Of War the successor to the IL-2 Sturmovik

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Screen SHot Goodness From UBI

Postby CrazySchmidt on Fri May 12, 2006 12:54 am

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Postby MaXMhZ on Fri May 12, 2006 3:40 am

uh ooo - I see a new PC in my future... and an empty wallet.

gee those look good :smt023 :smt023

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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Fri May 12, 2006 5:20 am

Tell me about it!

The thing is, this title isn't going to come out this Nov so we'll have more time to save (another UBI marketing trick to annoy the masses and blame Oleg).
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Postby CrazySchmidt on Fri May 12, 2006 6:26 am

IV/JG1_Oesau wrote:Tell me about it!

The thing is, this title isn't going to come out this Nov so we'll have more time to save (another UBI marketing trick to annoy the masses and blame Oleg).

I don't know, it's hard to say with this, it's not as if any of us know exactly what stage the development is at, because we've been lacking progress reports for a long time. One thing is for sure, UBI will be seriously aiming for November because of the Xmas sales that would accompany a release at that time of the year and you can bet that Oleg will have plenty of pressure to perform for that date.

It would be nice of they would start giving some more regular WIP news again, that's for sure.

Cheers, CS.:)
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Postby MaXMhZ on Fri May 12, 2006 9:28 am

In my opinion Oleg and team should take as long as they want (or need).
I'd rather wait an extra year and get a good product than get one with a bug or one where corners were cut to please UBI's (and the masses) greedyness - Stop driving that car Oleg, cancel all vacations and days off and start working 24/7 ! ;) I WANT it! :lol:
Serious though - I know it will be better than expected - as allways.
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Fri May 12, 2006 9:43 am

I've heard from a good source that SOW is not even in alpha stage yet. Nov isn't that far away and if's not even entered this phase you've got to think it's not going to make Nov release.

I'm putting it down to UBI once again saying things that they shouldn't. But hey, if it's released then, I'll be happy.
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Postby sultan on Sun May 14, 2006 8:39 am

MaXMhZ wrote:uh ooo - I see a new PC in my future... and an empty wallet.

gee those look good :smt023 :smt023

We share a similar future, I'm starting to work in two weeks (YEAY godbye unemployment :D )!!
My first or second salary WILL go to a brand new computer, mostley because of BOB and in the future SH4. My favorite sims :)

Looking at thoose pictures makes me...dizzy... lets hope they do a superb job and manage to live up to the expetations we all have...

Thanks to you maddox for keeping my wallet empty but my body filled with adrenalin :p
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Postby Luckyboy1 on Sun May 14, 2006 12:53 pm

Who needs spam when you've got clouds that look like that! :smt026

And the cockpits (no pun inteneded and yes Schmitty, please move down a couple of seats from me for as long as you remain that excited)! :wink:

Man, now seeing a cockpit like that brings back memories of the smell of rotting leather, AvGas, oil soaked parts, lead based paints, deteriorating rubber components, overheated electrical circuits, hydrolic fluid and the smell of supercharger clutches slightly overheated! What a sweet aroma to rival our favorite fhishy fragarance that we love to savor! :smt063

If UBI was smart, they come out with a new fragarence for women when this all gets released. They could market it to all the IL-2 widows out there! They could call it something like...

Ode of Oleg! :toimonster:
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Postby KenleyKid on Wed May 24, 2006 2:48 pm

Any more realistic and I'm going to need a sick bag. Come to think of it, I might need one anyway after I see the price of an upgrade for my groaning pc. :o
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Wed May 24, 2006 11:09 pm

I have to admit that the cloud shots don’t excite me at all. They look like slightly reworked IL2 FB (the new clouds that is) clouds to me and the high alt stuff looks very much the same.

In saying that it’s pre alpha days and what we are seeing is basically what I said I think it looks like.

What does excite me (in that geeky flight sim way) is the talk about the weather modelling and the use of air particle modelling (if there has ever been a need for the PPU and a dual CPU this has to be it – but sadly it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen). I guess I’m more of a flight simulator pilot that likes to bomb and shoot things rather than a person who likes the combat side of things with the flight sim second. So the idea of the better weather modelling is something that I am looking forward to. Just picture the first online missions where people aren’t taking off into the wind (because they don’t have to worry about that now).

Oleg’s comments about people not wanting complex engine management (for start ups) is probably very true, though for me it is a disappointment.

Radar vectoring and perhaps the role of a commander (like Battlefield 2 – where there is a role to be the commander and control force directions via satellite view) are going to be great additions.

The cockpits do look amazing, mix that with TrackIR vector and we’re going to be having a truly immersed experience with BoB and all of the upcoming SOW titles.
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Postby CrazySchmidt on Thu May 25, 2006 1:02 am

IV/JG1_Oesau wrote:I have to admit that the cloud shots don’t excite me at all. They look like slightly reworked IL2 FB (the new clouds that is) clouds to me and the high alt stuff looks very much the same.

I totally agree. This is the one part of what I have seen so far that hasn't particularly impressed me.

We'll see.

Cheers, CS.:)
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