Hi! Anouther new guy here.

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Moderators: MaXMhZ, MudPuppy

Hi! Anouther new guy here.

Postby Cpt_Seifer on Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:07 am

Hi Im Seifer, Leader of the 3rd "Black Aces" ( only 8 of us ) We normally just play Over LAN, And a few little LAN meets in our city. But i was looking up some downloads and found this great site. We play IL2 FB, PF and LockOn. Anyway I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and ill let the rest of the Black Aces know about the site. Till then safe flying and always watch ya 6.
They went like this, Then i went like that, and He says "Where'd he go?" and his wing mans like "Where'd who go??"
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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:02 pm

Hi Seifer! Welcome to Airwarfare :)
I wouldn't underestimate 8 players ;) Especialy over LAN you could have some great times flying together. You'll find Airwarfare a great source of information and resources

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Postby MudPuppy on Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:54 pm

Hi Seifer. Checking the Airwarfare site for posts and submissions has gotten to be almost as regular as my sneaking away for some flying. Even for an offline player; I was able to "patch" correctly, add some missions (lots actually) and get some really artistic skins from this site.
Plus I don't have to wade through ump-teen pages of "I know you are...but what am I?!" crap to glean something useful.

So welcome.

(I should add, MudPuppys are one of the largest freshwater salamanders in No. America, including the river behind my house. I likes to fish!).
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