Here's a copy of an e-mail, minus the signature at the bottom, just as I sent it to the default address of...
I urge you to take significant steps over what you have done in the past to copywrite protect this latest offering of Pacific Fighters game.
ß ïðèíóæäàþ, ÷òî âû ïðåäïðèíèìàåòå ìåðû çíà÷èòåëüíî íàä âû äåëàëè â ïðîøëîì ê copywrite çàùèùàåòå ýòîò ñàìûé ïîñëåäíèé ïðåäëàãàòü Òèõîé îêåàí èãðû ñàìîëåò-èñòðåáèòåëåé.
I have legally purchased this game since the day I first discovered it. However, I am sick and tired of being part of just a small minority who legally purchased the game.
ß çàêîííî çàêóïàþ ýòó èãðó ñ äíÿ, êîòîð ÿ ñïåðâà îòêðûë åãî. Îäíàêî, ÿ áîëüí è óòîìëåí áûòü ÷àñòüþ êàê ðàç ìàëîãî íåñîâåðøåííîëåòèÿ êîòîðîå çàêîííî çàêóïèëî èãðó.
I am tired of finding again and again my legal and preordered copy of the game is delayed in shipping while the illegal version is floating on the internet even before the release date!
ß óòîìëåí íàõîäèòü ñíîâà è ñíîâà ìîå çàêîííîå è preordered ýêçåìïëÿð èãðû çàäåðæàí â ïåðåâîçêå ãðóçà ïîêà ïðîòèâîçàêîííûé âàðèàíò ïëàâàåò íà èíòåðíåò äàæå ïåðåä îôèöèàëüíàÿà äàòà íà÷àëà ðàñïðåäåëåíèÿ ïðîäóêöèè!
I am tired of watching your good work go unrewarded!
ß óòîìëåí íàáëþäàòü âàøó õîðîøóþ ðàáîòó èäó unrewarded!
Your game has educated and helped me find even more respect for the great struggle the Russian people have been through.
Âàøà èãðà äàëà îáðàçîâàíèå è ïîìîãëà ìíå äëÿ òîãî ÷òîáû íàéòè even more óâàæåíèå äëÿ áîëüøîé ñõâàòêè ðóññêèå ëþäè äëÿ òîãî ÷òîáû áûòü äî êîíöà.
If you do not takes the steps needed, I will steal the game along with the rest of them this time
Åñëè âû íå äåëàåòå âçÿòèÿ, òî øàãè, ÿ óêðàäóò èãðó âìåñòå ñ îñòàëüíîÿìè èõ ýòî âðåìÿ.
If we must put up with some small thing to load the game or deal with it, so be it!
Åñëè ìû äîëæíû put up with íåêîòîðàÿ ìàëàÿ âåùü äëÿ òîãî ÷òîáû íàãðóçèòü èãðó èëè îáùàòüñÿ ñ åé, òî òàê be it!
If you do not, I will be forced to disrespect your considerable efforts and this I do not wish to do!
Åñëè âû íå äåëàåòå, òî ÿ ïðèíóæäóñü ê íåóâàæåíèþ âàøè çíà÷èòåëüíûå óñèëèÿ è ýòî, êîòîð ÿ íå æåëàþ ñäåëàòü!
I hope you will understand that what I say here supports you and does not disrespect you.
ß íàäåþñü âû ïîéìåò ÷òî ÿ ãîâîðþ çäåñü ïîääåðæèâàåò âàñ è íå äåëàåò íåóâàæåíèå âû.