Aces' Artwork: IL2-MAT Manager v2.10 available for download.

Moderators: CrazySchmidt, EURO_Snoopy, MaXMhZ, MudPuppy

Aces' Artwork: IL2-MAT Manager v2.10 available for download.

Postby Aces on Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:49 pm

IL2-MAT Manager v2.10 available for download.


Happy New Year everyone.

Hi all,

I have just uploaded the latest version of IL2-MAT Manager, version 3.10. The following new features are included in this version. I have drastically expanded the range of Luftwaffe lettering for bomber and twin-engined fighters to include 18 different colours and styles of lettering/numbering including outlined types. Also new in v2.10 are two new features to display smaller Geschwader code letters on Luftwaffe bomner and/or single-engined fighter aircraft such as the He-111, Ju-88, Ju-87, Bf-110 etc. I have also seperated the emblem sizing options for single-engined "Zerstoerergeschwaders" so that they have their own drop-down box selection and no longer share a drop-down box with bomber and reconnaisance units. Lasty theie is a completely new option, at the top of the interface screen there are 10 "Tabs" these tabs represent different theatres of war and wartime time periods. Clicking on on of these tabs will quickly setup national markings and lettering/numbering options to match your selected theatre of operations such as, for example, faded numbering/lettering and national markings for theatres such as North Africa and the Pacific. You can of course manually over-ride these settings at any time prior to exiting the program should they not be to your tastes.Also included in the new version are two additional weathered RAF lettering options, thanks to Extreme-one for kindly producing the excellent markings graphics files.


I have extensively revised the program documentation both to explain the use of new features and to explain the correct usage of the use of the "ClearCache=0" conf.ini command added in the recent game version 3.03 and the corresponding IL2-MAT Manager Control Panel "PF v3.03+" command. Please read the documentation file as it takes a long time to create and revise and contains detailed information on the installation and configuration of the program and markings options.

Download Link

Online Documentation Link

I'm Taking a break from IL2-MAT Manager.

I've been giving things quite a bit of thought lately. IL2-MAT Manager has been a very enjoyable and rewarding project throughout the year not in the least part due to your excellent company and enthusiasm however the workload to produce the program has gotten excessive. I guess that I have only myself to blame for wishing to push the program as far I could but every new version demands a huge workload and not more than a certain degree of associated worries, "have I introduced any new bugs?", "have I created the installer right?", "does every new feature work?", "have I gotten all the right MATs and TGAs (all 90,000 of them) in there?" etc. etc.. On top of this there's the documentation, website, bulletin boards and user support enquiries to deal with, just creating the installers now takes about an hour and a half every time, that's without beta builds.

With this all firmly in mind I've decided to call things a day for the time being and return to flight-siming obscurity :D . I may continue work on the project in the background when I feel inspired and do what I enjoy the most, experimenting with new ideas and creating the markings artwork. I'm "never saying never" as the saying goes but I feel that the program now does everything that I hoped it ever would and a lot more besides. When I look at the program interface and what is now possible it hardly seems like the same program that we released back in February of this year. At that time I never imagined such things as randomised numbering, RAF and Luftwaffe bomber/twin-engined numbering and lettering etc. would ever be included.

I hope you enjoy using the new version.

Best Regards and Happy New Year to all.

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Postby MaXMhZ on Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:03 pm

It's a great program and LOADS of work indeed.

Thanks for your efforts and happy flying :D
And best wishes for 2005

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Postby Aces on Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:22 pm

Thanks m8,

Love your work with the conf.ini settings program. A VERY useful and worthwhile utility.

Happy New Year to you and your family

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Postby CrazySchmidt on Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:33 pm

Aces, your Mat Manager is a very, very good utility it's the only one I use (apart from Mission Mate of course :wink: ) and I have always been impressed with then speed and frequency of your updates.

As far as taking a break for a while goes, I think I know exactly how you feel. It sounds like you are suffering from burn out my friend with the work load you have, I was there myself a couple of months ago. The thought of spending another night programming Mission Mate after a long day at work was just about enough to drive me mad! So I put it down for a while and have only just now started getting back into it, but now with a fresh head and perspective after a break my enthusiasm is again high.

Take a break mate and clear your head of the whole thing for a while but make sure you keep popping in to say hi every now and then ok!

You'll be back into your utility some time in the not to distant future, I know you will. :wink:

Best regards, CrazySchmidt. :)
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