Formation Flying 101

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Formation Flying 101

Postby 100th_Alien on Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:33 pm

Hey guys and gals,
Just an FYI for those of you who may be interested.
100th_Dbones and I offer "Formation Flying" training and would love to help anyone who is interested in sharpening thier formation skills, here's a short history.

The 100th comes from the Sim Warbirds and moved to IL2 for the obvious facts that this is a better sim graphically and realistically, when we were in warbirds we were the 490th Bombardment Group and flew Heavy Bombers B17, Liberators, etc... we havebecome quit a reconing force there and were well known for our strategic bombing and 1st class formations. So we thought we'd bring our skills here and help anyone who may be interested.

sign up here

some OLD screenies of the 490th

"The four elements: earth, air, water, and fire. Of these, I call your attention to two: air and fire. As pilots we live in the air, but we die by fire."
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