World War II On-line

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World War II On-line

Postby Teetwo on Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:40 am


Here are two movies of my Luftwaffe unit during two of our squad nights. I made the movies to show case the highlights of the night for our pilots that were unable to attend so please keep that in mind. Also I have only done this twice so I’m no Francis Ford Copula.

This movie is of an anti-shipping mission using Bf-110C-4s.
25mb movie

This movie starts off with an uneventful He-111 bomber escort mission to the French city of Halle. It then switches to a bomber intercept mission along the northwest coast of Holland.

The 20mb version

The 80mb version

Hope you enjoy them.
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Joined: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:25 am

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