error msg

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Postby madkaro on Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:21 am

well tried on a rig with 256 mb ram- win xp pro- works np. but its not my rig lol.

on mine- i recieve the error when i launch the program- the little box with the p47 pic comes up- about 2 seconds after, i see the error-main-load box come up, with a "ok" box. :roll:
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Postby UberDemon on Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:18 pm

MaXMhZ wrote:Something weird...

I just tried again under WinMe to monitor memory - and now I get the same error

Error: Main->Load


There are also some files in my WinMe version that are not in the INI dir under my WinXP version (still working OK)

FirstStart.ini, OneTimeUpdate.ini, RuleSetRebuild.ini (All size 0).

Deleting those didn't help either...

I also noticed a difference in character caps for the directories and files...
Left side is WinMe, right side is WinXP

I'm at a loss here...

May be a good idea to give some more error info (where did it occur in the program etc) in the error message...

The caps from one OS to the other make no difference, as you can see it works in XP. The code does not care about caps on the path.

FirstStart.ini, OneTimeUpdate.ini, RuleSetRebuild.ini all get erased the first time the program starts properly. That is why the XP one does not have them. If you erased them manually you will get the same error you have been getting. I already tried that as well.

The message indicates that the error occurs in the Form Load routine for the main form. That is actually a routine in VB so I know where. When the form is loading, it loads all other forms as well... and I can bet it is the additional resources from the Ground Objects Editor that are causing the problem. If that is the sole reason... I may not have a solution. But I am still trying.

I have tried changing the OS virtual memory settings, and I have tried compiling using different optimization methods, and no optimization at all, even in P-Code (relying on DLLs), but the results in the WinMe machines are the same.

I have something else I'll try... this is causing lots of grief... For the record, this is not an evil plot to get people to upgrade to XP. I do not work for MS. :?


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Postby UberDemon on Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:50 pm


Unfortunately my suspicions were confirmed. I installed Visual Basic in one of the failed machines, and it is the Ground Objects Editor that is in fact causing the failure... it is simply too "resource intensive." I can see the code in the VB environment, but as soon as I try to switch to GUI mode (only for that form), VB gives me an out of memory error.

I then ran the debugger to get exactly the location of the error in the main form loading process, and behold, it is when the loading of the Ground Objects Editor is happening that the error comes up.

So unfortuntaly, it looks like you can only run UQMG either on a subpar machine with XP (as a minimum requirement), or on a machine with at least 2GB RAM in WinME, and even that is not guaranteed... how weird is that?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:31 pm

That's very very weird...

Officialy WinMe can only handle 756MB (something like that) RAM, even so I have 820MB RAM free on my rig, (thats some 128MB more than XP has)...

One would expect it could handle more information in RAM therefore...

Even weirder I find it that the first time I ran UQMG on WinMe it worked (I didn't produce a mission, but it did react to what I selected)...

Ah well - I run the IL2 on WinXP anyway(it runs faster on WinXP), but then many people still use Win98 or WinMe.

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Postby madkaro on Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:04 am

xp manages memory differently from older os- has something to do with page flipping- i dont know how or why- but it does. its part of the evolution really and a good thing long term. for now we have these weirdnesses- program werked fine on 3 xp machines so far- one 256 ram- 1 512 one 2 gb. i used to dual boot- but found i never booted to xp- always 98- so in my last reformat excluded the xp. fb and eaw werk better online for me in 98- dunno why- when i go back to a dual boot will report further. i never tried any of your other earlier programs demon- so cant know much beyond this. can i try yur earlier ones? is a bugger to use 2 os if i dont need to lol.
(btw i be krause)
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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:17 am

Not even if FB/AEP/PF runs faster ??
I'd buy a new HD if needed for that :D

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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:30 am

Msg removed by MaXMhZ
Last edited by MaXMhZ on Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby kilgore trout on Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:28 am

Thanks for the updates and all your effort UD.

MaXMhZ is right when he says it's the best add on for FB.
it should come with the game imo.

Thanks for trying UD.
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Postby 1danny on Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:04 am

Ha ha Kilgore Trout one of my favorit characters I love Kurt Vonnegut
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Postby kilgore trout on Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:03 pm

Yeah Vonnegut books are fantastic it's just a shame he
does not write much anymore.
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Postby madkaro on Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:35 pm

thanks maxmhz- d/ling now- will post link to yusendit as soon as its in.
i dont know why- but on my rig fb/pf runs most stable on win98- was stuttering in online play with xp pro, but almost no stutter with win98. again, could be memory usage- when i go up to a gig+ of ram on my machine itll likely be better. thing is- its winter here, and the workload for me in winter is not even enough to keep me in beer- so the ram waits lol.

ok- link to yusend it for uqmg4fb3.7. 4 is ... FQIWADN6Q4

will be there for 7 days- will redo if others need then
thanks again maxmhz
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Postby UberDemon on Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:59 pm


Just made an announcement. I'll have to create a fix for UQMG that will automatically disable the Ground Objects Editor only for machines that cannot support it.

madkaro, and MaXMHz, I appreciate your help and patience... I see what you are doing with the older version, but in all truth, I would rather that version would not be available. In all truth, there were several upgrades after that, and I don't even have the latest upgrade at my site anymore. You are already aware of my upload bandwidth issues. Also there were several bugs that were fixed since that version, so I could not even remember what they are.

Of course you have it, so you can use it, but I would rather other people start using the new version. I am thinking I can have the fixed UQMG within the week, hopefully.

Hope you understand.
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Postby kilgore trout on Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:32 pm

Thanks so much for doing this UD. This program really makes a world of
difference to il2. I couldn't imagine it without your program now.
BTW great tutorial with the new version. I have learnt so much from it already.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:34 pm

Thanks D/UD I understand.

Removed the link and the mirror of the old version :)

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Postby madkaro on Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:05 pm

rgr demon- np- link at yusendit disabled :)
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