error msg

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error msg

Postby madkaro on Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:01 am

hi- getting an error when i try to start ubqmg-
error:main=>load, or something to this effect. i looked in the read mes etc- seems i did everything right- first time trying any proggy like this, so im a bit ignorant :shock:
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Postby UberDemon on Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:38 pm

Run UQMG it again and see if you see the unzip prompt. Then click Unzip. This should be the only time you do this. If not, go to the INstall directory (most likely c:\program files\uberquickpf), then go to ini directory, and doubleclick "fb100.exe" then click Unzip button. This should solve your problem.

Some other people are having a similar problem. So let's work through them and see what is causing this.

First, are you a new user? Have you ever used UQMG?
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Postby Extreme_One on Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:40 pm

UberDemon wrote:...
First, are you a new user? Have you ever used UQMG?

madkaro wrote:... first time trying any proggy like this, so im a bit ignorant :shock:

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Postby UberDemon on Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:46 pm

Duh... you told me you were a new users. So maybe there is something related to that. Let me try installing this to another computer here at home.

I need for you to tell me the following:
- Your Operating System
- the installation location of UQMG
- what files are present in the "ini" subdirectory of the installation
- tell me if in the ini subdirectory you see a "fb100" subdirectory
- tell me if you have MS Office installed in your computer as well - I am wondering if it has something to do with the libraries used in the UQMB briefer.

- if at all possible I want to get this resolved today, because the chances of me being able to get online during the week are slim.

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Postby kilgore trout on Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:56 pm

i am having the same problem.

i'm running windows ME
installed it to c:program files\uberquickpf
there is a fb100 subdirectory
the ini subdirectory contains....
fb100 folder,
current version,first start,no message,one timeupdate,rulesetrebuild,
savedfilecache,unicode,versions,dir_il2location config files
fb100 application.

i don't have ms office but i did install microsoft activex control pad as suggested in the readme and it still did not work.
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Postby Eggnchips on Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:33 pm

Hello Demon,

Not a new user
Win 98SE
default location

ini contains:
fb100 subdirectory
fb100 exe

Have Word 2000 and Works Suite on the machine.
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Postby Cloyd on Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:52 pm

Hi UD,

Same problem as the others.

Veteran user
UQMG installed to default location
MS OFFICE 2000 installed

same files as "Eggnchips":

Eggnchips wrote:ini contains:
fb100 subdirectory
fb100 exe

I'm sure you'll get it sorted out. So, thanks in advance for your great contribution to the community.

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Postby delta_9_tetra on Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:50 pm


Also see this 'Error: Main->Load' message when the app is starting.

I am UQMG user since 14th September 2003. UQMG for FB still works correctly.

- win98se

- C:\Program Files\UberQuickPF

- C:\Program Files\UberQuickPF\ini\


- in the ini subdirectory I do see a "fb100" subdirectory, containing 115 folders and 4465 files

- I do NOT have MS Office installed in my computer

Thanks for your help!
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Postby madkaro on Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:37 pm

hi demon- rgr i followed the instructions to the letter the first time- have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times to same effect-
system is amd xp200+, km4m-l mobo, 512 pc3200, ti 4200, win 98 se.
one odd thing is, that when i attempt to run it- i get the error and it shuts down- but it eats up all my resources and need to reboot- a clue?

installed to the default- c/program files/uberquickpf/
the fb100 folder is present in the ini folder- all looks good- office is installed.
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Postby UberDemon on Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:12 pm


I have been breaking my head on this one all day. Good news is that I think I found the problem or combination of problems... bad news is that I think you will not like the answer.

I was able to repeat the error in 3 of my machines and after recompiling, repackaging, I think there are two things that are the problem:
1 - Memory
2 - Operating System

For those of you who are programmers I removed an error trap to cause a fatal error in one of my machines, and the fatal error was not enough memory. So the error does not appear to be due to Office, FM20.dll, or whether ActiveXNotepad is present or not.

The cause to this, I am almost 100% sure is that UQMG is a lot more hefty than it was before. The Ground editor has added a lot of memory requirements due to the number of control and background processes it runs... I think that inadvertetnly I have increased the system requirements for running my program, which is something that surprises me because I am keen on not wasting memory. I monitored the memory usage while it is loading and at no point it uses more than 15Megs of RAM while it runs. Again I am almost sure it is the additional resources that is causing failure during load, but short of removing features, this may be going beyond what I know how to fix.

Anyway, here is the reason why I think there is a problem that is most likely related to both OS and memory. I have not made any updates in Visual Studio either.

1) P4 2.53GHz / 1GB RAM / XP / Office 2003 / No ActivePad - Result: Pass
2) Celeron 800MHz / 384MB RAM / XP / Office 2003 / No ActivePad - Result: Pass
3) Athlon 800MHz / 320MB RAM / ME / Office 2000 / No ActivePad - Result: Fail
4) P3 800MHz / 256MB RAM / ME / No Office / ActivePad - Result: Fail
5) P2 400MHz / 96MB RAM / ME / No Office / ActivePad - Result: Fail

I also tried installing and uninstalling Activepad and UQMG in different order, manual substitution of DLLs and other files, but the Memory error persists. So three ME machines, including one with Office does not run UQMG. I installed FB in the Athlon and P3 Laptop, and both were able to run FB, but not UQMG.

I apologize profusely for this. It looks like either the machine must have 384MB+ RAM or WIN2K./XP.

I'll keep looking into it.

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Postby UberDemon on Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:17 pm

madkaro wrote:hi demon- rgr i followed the instructions to the letter the first time- have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times to same effect-
system is amd xp200+, km4m-l mobo, 512 pc3200, ti 4200, win 98 se.
one odd thing is, that when i attempt to run it- i get the error and it shuts down- but it eats up all my resources and need to reboot- a clue?

installed to the default- c/program files/uberquickpf/
the fb100 folder is present in the ini folder- all looks good- office is installed.


As I mentioned above, it looks like ME and 98SE are giving me grief. When the memory error happens, UQMG does not end gracefully, and you have to go into Ctrl+Alt+Del, and you'll notice you have to highlight the process and end it manually.

If you run it again you will eat up your resources.

Does your PC have 512MB Ram? If so than definitely the problem points to some type of limitation in 98SE or ME... but that does not rule out crappy programming on my part either.

Seems that the Win2K and XP machines are not showing this error.

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Postby madkaro on Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:26 pm

rgr demon 512 ram here- its too bad as i was dual booting with xp until last week- could have tested your theory easily then lol- there are several xp machines available to me however- although less conveniently so- i will try it one of those and report back
thanks for the proggy and support m8
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:03 pm

Hi guys - I don't know if this helps, but

I have WinMe and WinXP running on the same drive (nor patitioned).
P4 1GByte system RAM

I installed UQMG4PF on my WinMe and it works correct
So It probably is memory - related.

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Postby UberDemon on Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:40 pm


Man... can't believe that adding the additional forms have taken so much in resources... I am also surprised that a PC with 512MB RAM and Me cannot run UQMG, but my wife's Celeron 800MHz with 384MB RAM and XP can run it... weird weird.

However... I wanted to rely less on scripts for the GOE - Ground Objects Editor, because it goes through the mission files... The GOE loads everything into the controls so that may be the reason why... but even monitoring the performance, it is still nowhere near the mark (15MB of mem use is nothing close to 1GB)... I guess XP does a better job at memory management than Me and 98SE?

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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:42 am

Something weird...

I just tried again under WinMe to monitor memory - and now I get the same error

Error: Main->Load


There are also some files in my WinMe version that are not in the INI dir under my WinXP version (still working OK)

FirstStart.ini, OneTimeUpdate.ini, RuleSetRebuild.ini (All size 0).

Deleting those didn't help either...

I also noticed a difference in character caps for the directories and files...
Left side is WinMe, right side is WinXP

I'm at a loss here...

May be a good idea to give some more error info (where did it occur in the program etc) in the error message...

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