Aces' Artwork: IL2-MAT Manager v2.20 skin pack available

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Aces' Artwork: IL2-MAT Manager v2.20 skin pack available

Postby Aces on Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:03 pm


Hi all,

Thanks to those awfully nice folks at I have been able to upload a pack of four excellent skins by Extreme_One, Kristorf and Morotai_K2 around which I have based my new Royal Navy and SAAF lettering options for the new version of IL2-MAT Manager. You can download these in advance of next week's program release from

Download Link

You will also find on this page an excellent new Seafire skin by Kristork which I think will work very with the new version of IL2-MAT Manager. My thanks to the skin authors for their excellent work and to flying-legends for kindly agreeing to setup a new skin download section and hosting the skin pack.

Best Regards

Utilities Developer
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