Skins with paint of the F-5 Brazilian

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Skins with paint of the F-5 Brazilian

Postby _Harpia_Mafra55_ on Mon May 08, 2006 3:39 am


Skins com pintura do F-5 30anos.

Leaving a little of side skins historical, I decided to play a little and to ahead take the idea of some pilots in creating skins for the airplanes of the FB, reproducing, of certain form, the used painting in the F-5 with the commemorative painting of the 30 years of use. They are two packages of skin with 3 skins in each conforms the photo.


Pacote nr01 La-5/7, Lagg-3 e P-51


Pacote nr02 Ki-84, Bf-109 e Spitfire


Mais skins clique na foto pequena. More skins click in the small photo.


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Postby 100th_Alien on Mon May 08, 2006 6:54 pm

The Pony looks sweet!...Well done :D
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