Let's develop a "Console Commands" guide.

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Let's develop a "Console Commands" guide.

Postby Tully on Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:30 pm

Here's what I know so far:

alias [<name> <string>] | [<name> REMOVE]

Creates or REMOVEs a shorthand version of a command. As an example:

alias r mp_dotrange

makes typing r have the same effect as typing mp_dotrange.

alias r REMOVE

would delete the shorthand version we just created.

ban [ADD] [REM] [NAME [<name>]] [PATTERN [<pattern>]] [IP [<ip mask>]] [CLEAR] [LOAD [<file name>]] [SAVE [<file name>]]

The ban command is used by a server host/admin for banning players from the server. Bans can be done by name or IP. Contributions as to how the individual parameters work are welcome.

channel <empty> (list channels) <number> [DESTROY] [SPEED <b/s>] [TIMEOUT <sec>] [STAT <sec>]

To do with voice comms? Or maybe AI radio chatter?

chat <message> [ALL] [MY_ARMY] [TO# <N>] [TO <name>|<*>] [ARMY <N>|<name>]

Appears to be a means of entering chat messages while in the console or perhaps a format for loading message for chat from files.... this is probably what FBDaemon uses for the automatic server messages.

console [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

For handling the contents of the console screen and managing console logging. This list of console commands was assembled from a console log file, it save me an awful lot of typing ;).

console0 [WRAP [on|off]] [PAGE [<size>]] [PAUSE [on|off]] [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGTIME [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

del <name of atom>

No idea on this one.

f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment

file <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in current environment

These two are for loading a file with a list of commands. From the description it appears that one of them applies the commands immediately and the other reloads the game or the mission (not sure which) prior to executing the commands. Anyone got a better or more detailed explanation?

fps [START|STOP] [SHOW|HIDE] [LOG <sec>]

Controls the games built in frame rate counter. It appears there's a log fuction I wasn't previously aware of (or had forgotten about ;)). Most of us have seen how to use this posted in the forums many times.

help [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

The game's built in console help system. Left blank it outputs a list of commands. With a command name specified, it lists syntax for that command specifically. If you use wild cards in the command name you're requesting help for, it will list syntax for all matches. The SIZE & WIDTH parameters appear to make it possible to specifiy something other than the default table spacing for the output list.


Prints a list of console commands issued by you (& from files?) in this game session.

host <empty> (list hosts) PATH (list pathes) <name> (rename local host)

Lists all "hosts" connected and allows renaming of the local host (yourself). I'm not sure what the PATH parameter does.

hotkey [<hot key> CMD <command>] [ENV [<environment>]] [CMDRUN [<cmdrun>] [REALTIME]]

hotkeycmd [ENV [<environment>]] [EXEC <name> [TIME <sec>]] [START <name>] [STOP <name>]

These two appear to control what functions of the game are available in the current mode. I'm not sure how they're applied, any ideas?

kick <name>
kick# <N>

Used by server host to kick players from the server. The first must have the player's exact name, the second uses the player's server assigned player number. The player name or number can be obtained from the USER command or by pressing s while in the game.

mission [LOAD <name>] [BEGIN] [END] [DESTROY]

Loads, starts or stops missions on the fly. I'm not sure what the DESTROY parameter does or whether you have to END the current mission before LOADing and BEGINning the next mission. Any exxperienced hosts have any ideas?

mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR <km>] [DOT <km>] [RANGE <km>] [TYPE <km>] [ID <km>] [NAME <km>]

See this page for more info.

music [PLAY] [STOP] [BREAK] [VOL] [PATH <randpathname>] [FILE <filename>]

Changes your inflight music on the fly by the look of it. Never tried it so I don't know how it works. Any ideas?

param <name of command> [<name param> [<value>]]

Lists parameters for the specified command and appears to offer a means of specifying default values for those parameters. Anyone able to offer more detail?

radio [<name>] [NONE] [COMMON] [ARMY] [LIST]

This is for setting up and controlling the in game voice comms system. The syntax definition appears to be incomplete or out of date, the PF manual shows some different paramaters. The paramaters listed in the manual are TEST, LEVEL, LATENCY, CODEC and AGC and they are explained there. The functions described in the manual suggest that the parameters in the manual are for setting up your voice comms and those listed in console are for selecting channels. I use TS or Ventrilo so don't ask me how it all works ;). BaldieJr has some insights to offer here

set <name of atom> <string>
show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]

These two appear to go with "del". I still have no idea, though you advanced programming types may be able to intuit something by opening console and typing "show". Let us know if you can work anything out.

<empty> (list protocols)
LISTENER [<0|1>] (enable/disable connect from remote hosts)
JOIN [BREAK] (show status join/ break join)
<protocol> (list sockets)
<protocol> CREATE [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] [CHANNELS <n>] [SPEED <n>]
<protocol> CHANNELS <n> [SPEED <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>]
<protocol> SPEED <n> [CHANNELS <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>]
<protocol> DESTROY [LOCALHOST <nm>] LOCALPORT <n> [HOST <nm>] [PORT <n>]
<protocol> JOIN [LOCALHOST <nm>] [LOCALPORT <n>] HOST <nm> [PORT <n>] [SPEED <n>]

socks [ON|OFF] [HOST <socks host addr>] [PORT <socks host port>] [USER <user name>] [PWD <password>]

Socket & socks appear to be a means of controlling connection, ports and proxy settings on the fly. Not being a networking expert I'll refrain from further speculation and let someone with more experience do the testing required to work out exactly how & when to use them.

speedbar [SHOW|HIDE]

Self explanatory, & it's in the PF manual anyway.

timeout <timeout in ms> <command name> [<params>]

Issues the specified command after the specifed timeout period (in milliseconds) has elpased.

tod [<hour.min>]

Used by hosts to change the server time of day. Format is 24 hour time.

user [<name>|<*>] [# <N>] [ARMY <N>|<name>] [STAT]

Lists all or specified users with ping, plane, army and server assigned player number details. When used with the STAT parameter it also lists the user's current kill/damage statistics.

window [<width> [<height> [<bpp> [<stencilbits>]]]] [FULL] [PROVIDER <name.dll>]

Appears to be intended to change resolution and other vid settings on the fly. Used without parameters it outputs the current settings.

Following is a segment of my console log showing the results of me messing about with some of the above commands.

The availablis protocols:
udp maxChannels: 128 maxSpeed: 10000 bytes/sec
Proxy socks is disable
PORT 1080
a is alias
h is history
s is show
44>chat This is a test ALL
47>help del
del <name of atom>
ERROR f: Bad command format
49>help f
f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment
32 is help socks
33 is help speedbar
34 is help timeout
35 is help tod
36 is help user
37 is help window
38 is socket
39 is socks
40 is alias
41 is ban
42 is channel
43 is chat
44 is chat This is a test ALL
45 is console
46 is console0
47 is help del
48 is f
49 is help f
50 is fps
51 is history
? alias ban channel chat console
console0 del f file fps help
history host hotkey hotkeycmd kick kick#
mission mp_dotrange music param radio set
show socket socks speedbar timeout tod
user window
53>help host
<empty> (list hosts)
PATH (list pathes)
<name> (rename local host)
localhost: Tully
HotKey environments:
default DISABLED
hotkeys DISABLED
$$$misc DISABLED
aircraftView DISABLED
timeCompression DISABLED
builder DISABLED
HotKeyCmd environments:
default DISABLED
hotkeys ENABLED
gunner ENABLED
$$$misc ENABLED
aircraftView ENABLED
timeCompression ENABLED
orders ENABLED
builder DISABLED
Mission: net/dogfight/Training/landingdf.mis is Playing
Friendly Dot Ranges:
DOT 14.0 km
COLOR 6.0 km
TYPE 6.0 km
NAME 6.0 km
ID 6.0 km
RANGE 6.0 km
Foe Dot Ranges:
DOT 14.0 km
COLOR 6.0 km
TYPE 6.0 km
NAME 6.0 km
ID 6.0 km
RANGE 6.0 km
music : null
volume : 1.0
state : STOPPED
ERROR param: Bad command format
Radio is NONE
64>help set
set <name of atom> <string>
ERROR set: Bad command format
66>help show
show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]
_$$0 is OK
_$$1 is OK
_$$2 is OK
alias is on
echo is on
fast is off
history is 20
_$$0 is OK
_$$1 is com.maddox.il2.objects.air.A_20G@1127
_$$2 is OK
alias is on
echo is on
fast is off
history is 0
The availablis protocols:
udp maxChannels: 128 maxSpeed: 10000 bytes/sec
Proxy socks is disable
PORT 1080
SpeedBar is SHOW
ERROR timeout: timeout not present
Time Of Day: 12.290833
N Name Ping Score Army Aircraft
0 Tully 0 0 (1)Red 27* A-20G
1024x768x32 24 8 Opengl32.dll
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Postby Tully on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:45 am

By the way, I don't have the dedicated server installed. If some could add the syntax for the ded server commands it would be appreciated.
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Postby Vengeanze on Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:33 am


Thanks Tully for this initiative. It'll make u famous. :D

I gonna have a look at some of em.
Last edited by Vengeanze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Vengeanze on Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:40 am

Btw in case u didn't know the game will check your rcu-file each time u launch a game.

So if u put a pointer to a file (in the PF folder) with commands it will run that file and all commands within.
like this:
@file myfilename

And if u for instance in that file (myfilename) u got:
chat Hello World | ALL
timeout 120000

You'll have a message (Hello World) that pops up once in a while in the game.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Vengeanze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:56 am

Your stereo when flying. Convert your favorite music or radiochatter and play em while flying.
This command works separate of the settings in your Sound-menu.
Used without parameters it outputs the current status.

Plays the music in the folder related to your current flightstatus (i.e. if you're airborne it will play the wav-file in your inflight-folder).
Add a pointer to a file and it'll play that file.

ex: music PLAY
comment: will play the wav in the folder related to your flightstatus.
If you're in flight it'll play what's in your InFlight-folder, if you're taking off it'll play what's in your TakeOff-folder, etc.
If u got more than one wav-file it'll play em in alphabetic order.

Stop the music from playing.
ex: music STOP

Like Skip on a regular CD-player. Will skip to the next song in the current folder.
Note: If you only have one wav in the current folder BREAK will work as STOP i.e. stop playing.
ex: music BREAK

Sets the volume. I haven't managed to find out the right format for the volume so haven't gotten this one to work. Help needed.
ex: music VOL <andthevolformat>

[PATH <randpathname>]
Lets u change the folder path of your wav-files. Root is the Samples-folder.
The rand indicates some kinda random function but in my tests it will always play the wav-files in alphabetic order.
Help needed.
ex: music PATH InFlight/MyFolder/
comment: will play the wav-files located in Samples/InFlight/MyFolder/ in alphabetic order.

[FILE <filename>]
Lets you play a specific file. U can give a path (Samples-folder still the root).
ex. music FILE Inflight/MyFolder/MyWave.wav PLAY
comment: Don't forget the PLAY command at the end.
Last edited by Vengeanze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Vengeanze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:05 pm

*under construction*

Lets you execute functions that you've usually have assigned to keys.

[ENV <environment>]

[EXEC <name>]
Lets you execute any function u can find in your settings.ini for your profile/user.
comment: Will crank your gear up one notch.

[TIME <sec>]

[START <name>]

[STOP <name>]
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Vengeanze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:21 pm

* under construction *

Lets you change the settings for logging the chat output. Relates ONLY to what's written in the chat.

[WRAP [on|off]]

[PAGE [<size>]]

[PAUSE [on|off]]
Pauses the logging.
ex. console0 PAUSE

Clears the logfile of all entries.
ex. console0 CLEAR

[HISTORY [<size>]]
Sets the size of the amount of entries. Guess that if the log-file reaches it's max it will truncate. Not sure though.
ex: console0 HISTORY 1024
comment: Not sure if the size relates to bytes or rows.

[HISTORYCMD [<size>]]
Sets the size of history for issued commands. Using the up/down arrows when in command mode lets u toggle through the issued commands

[LOG [on|off]]
Turns logging off or on. This setting will be written to the conf.ini.

[LOGTIME [on|off]]

[LOGFILE [<file name>]]
Set a new log-file. If the file doesn't exist it will be created. This setting will be written to the conf.ini.

[LOAD <file name>]
Lets u load a different log-file so that new chat entries will be concatinated with the loaded file.

[SAVE <file name>]
Saves the specified logfile. Could be usefull so u won't loose the chat log if game crashes.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Tully on Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:48 am

Nice work Ven. I'm currently invovled in a frantic round of Christmas functions. Between that and work I haven't had time to do any more work on this.

Look forward to some late this weekend and in the first week of January. I'll be away from all my game installations for about two and a half weeks over Christmas, so unless my brother in law has a machine capable of running Pacific Fighters, there's going to be a big gap in my contributions .... :?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:19 am

Nice :D

Don't forget to visit grille's place either :D

...and if you know German...


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Postby Vengeanze on Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:52 am

Rgr Tully. No stress. If we don't speak before that then have a great christmas and new year.

And thanks Max. Em scripts help compiling this manual.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Grille Chompa on Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:20 pm

I am eager to share the results of my research on console commands. And I do speak English as well :-) How can we structure the work? Which commands are missing still?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:25 am


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Postby Vengeanze on Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:10 pm

Grille, ALL commands are left. ;)
Meaning if u got more detailed explanation just post em.

Lets just put any little fragment we know here. Snoopy can format everything later on.
Vennie the moocher
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Postby Grille Chompa on Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:14 pm

Totally forgot about this. Today i will shed some light on the del, set and show commands:

del <Name of atom> [REMOVE]
This command deletes the atom (=variable).
-> see also set
-> see also show
<Name of atom> - Name of the atom to be deleted
REMOVE - optional parameter

    Delete the atom Pilot:
    Code: Select all
    >del Pilot

set <Name of atom> [<String>|REMOVE]
Creates an atom. An atom is a universal data type.
<Name of atom> <String> - String can either be a normal data string or using the "$" as a prefix point to the content of another atom. (See example)
REMOVE - setting this parameter deletes the atom. Same functionality as the del-command.

    Create the atom "Pilot" with the value "Grille Chompa":
    Code: Select all
    >set Pilot Grille Chompa

    Create a new atom "Player" with the value from the atom "Pilot" ($Player now has also the value "Grille Chompa"):
    Code: Select all
    >set Player $Pilot

show [<List of atoms>] [AREA <Name of area>]
Outputs information and values of atoms.
<Liste of atoms> - Outputs the atoms values
AREA <Name of area> - Does not work? I could not find any valid areas.
show without any parameters outputs all atoms and their values.

    The following command outputs the values of the atoms "Pilot" and "Player":
    Code: Select all
    >show Pilot Player
    Pilot is Grille Chompa
    Player is Grille Chompa
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Delayed chat for in flight brief etc.

Postby :FI:Sneaky on Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:51 am

Thx all , info in this thread helped .

I wanted to update the briefing info when mission underway re: a big surprise in an otherwise mundane coop.

Update :-

Added timeout chat lines to "rcu" file, works fine but need to add a little extra time to allow for startup.

Sorted, a little rooting around the Airwarfare forums and come up with this solution:-

"rcu" file:-

@set fast off
@set echo on
@set alias on
@set history 20

@alias a alias
@a h history
@a s show

@a on fps START SHOW
@a off fps STOP SHOW

@a m file messages.txt

"messages.txt" (create in main Il2 folder) :-

@chat Welcome to Server fisneaky.servegame.org
@timeout 360000 chat ATTENTION ! - unidentified aircraft in Delta 12. Any flights in the area are to locate and identify ALL

@timeout 420000 chat Write your message here ALL

@timeout 480000 chat ~S~ everyone - Well done ALL

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