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Manager Issues

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:34 pm
by EJGr.Ost_Caspar
Ok, so it seems I am the first to ask for a general program improvement (IMHO).

Many players run different versions of IL-2FB on their HDs (like me). To have the same MAT setting on all those versions its currently necessary to install the MATmanager ones for each version, as the source path and the target path (for copying files) is the same. That means to have over 5000 little files a few times on the HD (would make 15000 in my case).

It would be very helpfull, if you make that choisable. Say, the source path can be set to the MATmanager folder (or whatever) and the target path to the IL-2FB folder.
So if I want to set up the MAT-files for another version, I'd only had to switch the target path to that other direction - exit - and the files would be copied from the same source folder.

Currently I always try to figure out, which files I need and copy them manually, but thats really odd work and sometimes only copying ALL works, but thats odd too, as its the same result as a full new install.

So I'd be very appreciated (an I'm sure, a lot of others too) if this little improvement would happen. :wink:


PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:13 pm
by Aces
Hi Casper,

I'll gve the matter some thought and let you know.



PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:22 am
by EJGr.Ost_Caspar
Thanks! :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:31 am
by Aces
I've had a look at this and to impliment this is tricky.

I will give this more thought for a future version be assured of that but as it needs quite a lot of re-coding I don'[t think it'll make it into v2.36 but I will post back more news after v2.36 has been released.



PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:55 pm
by EJGr.Ost_Caspar
Understand. No problem at all, mate. Thanks! Will just wait. 8)