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Postby RODDERS on Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:37 am

Dear All,
Hi, can anyone help. I have a logitech Attack joystick and am playing 1L2 Sturmovik. The only problem I have is i am very left handed.
Can anyone advise on the best control set up to have. There is only one slider bar on my joystick. For alereon,elevator and rudder trim i am using the 1-9 keys below the function keys.
Thanks in advance.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:18 am

Saitek is about the only manufacturer that produces stixks that can be used by left handed people. Sadly the don't have a right-handed throttle. CH products does have a throttle quadrant which can be used to put trim on too, but they're quite pricy. Saitek can be found at http://www.saitek.com, and CH Products can be found here
Don't forget that if you have a mouse with a wheel you can assign the wheel to a control too ;) The only other option I can think of is building one yourself based on a cheap USB stick - remember you can't mix controllers on gameport and USB interfaces. The best option is to put all controllers on USB
Here's an example of a user-build throttle at Sturmovik.de

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