by MaXMhZ on Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:43 pm
Welcom to Airwarfare! Feel free to ask anything (preferably concerning flightsims and anything related), and be assured you don't waste anyone's time. We're quite an easy going bunch and we're allways glad if we can help someone.About upgrading your machine; I would not do that. Although FB can be tuned down quite a bit that it will run on allmost every machine, a P3 is realy low-level these days. Dell does make good computers, but they are not realy designed to upgrade yourself with 3rd party components, and BoB is coming also within a few years requiring allmost certainly a top of the line computer and graphics card when it arrives. Don't discard the Dell either though. IL-2 series has dedicated versions of the game out (free downloads, just like the free patches). The dedicated server version is designed to run the game without the graphics lowering resource demands considerably. Provided your Dell has a network connection and enough RAM it could very well be capable enough to run a dedicated server on which you then could join using a new computer. There are also user-made utilities like UDPSpeed using a 2nd computer on the network to display the player's game cockpit instruments
RAM is a requirement for a good working dedicated game though 1GByte generally being concidered an etry-level and 2 GByte being a good amount
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.-Marcus Aurelius
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