Program Review VAC by Shift_E

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Program Review VAC by Shift_E

Postby dieg777 on Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:57 pm

VAC by Shift_E


It is amazing the level of support from the community for this sim. Whether it is unofficial technical support on the forums, free skin and mission downloads from various sites or the most impressive part which for me which are the user developed programs that add to the package.
I feel that I know a fair bit about computers, building, setting them up and fettling with them to get them to run but Iv never got into the depths of programming. So I can only admire those that work in this field and what that they can do here. I have already used Uberdemons Quick mission tuner and Lowengrins replacement mission generator and the latest to land on my Pc is Shift_E VAC program.
For those like me who had not heard of this VAC stands for Voice Activated Command and, as it says on the tin, is a program that lets you issue commands to the PC via speech.

The program is available for download here and has a free 30 day trial after which you need to register, this costs $10 via pay pal or credit card.


Windows XP


The installation is very simple. Download and unzip the file from the above web page, unzip to a new folder then run the installer.


The VAC system consists of two parts, the VAC profile builder and the recognition program. The VAC Builder is used to create and manage game profiles while the recognition program runs the game profile.

Go to the new VAC folder you created and click the vacsystem.exe, this will put a small icon into your windows tray next to your clock like a small microphone. You can then right click this to access all the necessary components of the software.

In addition there are shortcuts to configure Microsoft’s voice recognition setup.

I would recommend you set up this first before entering the main program. Run the microphone wizard to make sure this is working and then run through some of the speech recognition training to get used to using such programs and to get the software used to your voice.

Once you have done this its time to move onto the program proper. Click on Vacbuilder to launch this to set up your profiles.

I wont go into too much detail here as Shift_Es site has good walkthroughs and there is a quick start and help package included in the download that explain it better, suffice to say that the steps are
1)first you need to create a new profile or load a profile such as Dick Dastardly's Full VAC Profile for IL2/FB/AEP/PF which is available for download
2)then add an action description
3)give it an activation phrase to carry out an action
4)finally assign the keyboard keys that would carry out the action in the game.
5)Repeat 2 to 4 to build up a complete profile for your game.


Like most others I am lazy so I downloaded the Pacific fighters program, loaded this and launched the game and started speaking to my computer- nothing- ok the program is obviously busted. Double check everything on the web site and help forum here and everything was ok so tried again. Nothing-

So it dawns slowly through the mist that it might be something to do with me and not the program, so I rattle off a few e-mails to shift_E and he replies quickly and suggests that I re-record the voice activation commands in my own voice. Done this and success!!!!!!!!!

Three things to warn other users about.

1)The vac program must be switched on and have a profile loaded to work.
2)The downloaded profile has different key assignments to normal so check that you have all key assignments for game set up to match profile key assignments if you want to use this. I would recommend that you use the downloaded one as a starting point but tailor it to suit you and record your own voice for the actions.
3)When you come to record a command phrase then it does not matter that the phrase that the program comes up with is nothing like what it should be, the program will recognize this phrase again when you say it in the game and use it to carry out the command.

An example is better than the above long explanation

I want wingman to attack all ground targets

When I recorded this phrase it came up with “when man old ground cover it is”
But when I say “wingman attack all ground targets” in game they respond and carry out the command

Here are some more examples for fun

Squadron return to base is “sponsoring for two days”
Squadron echelon right is “stories about the show right”
Wing man jettison tanks is “when my check his time as”

It does not matter as it works!!!!


Support is very, very good. Shift_E obviously takes care and time to help people either through the airwarfare forum or directly via e-mail.


I have a X-45 HOTAS set up and so I have lots of buttons to play with- however I found that this program came into its own when “talking” to the in game AI – its like using TRACKIR for looking it seems natural, to issue commands you talk, not rattle through 3 sets of button pushes to issue a command while trying to fly.

I also use it for a host of little used commands like chocks, wing fold, internal view, external view, toggle icons, toggle speedbar etc and it works well for these. If you have a standard joystick then the benefits would be multiplied for you.

With a bit of patience in setting up your microphone and working on the recognition software then building your own program you should find it is well worth the effort, it adds a further layer of immersion for me and a more natural feel to interacting with the AI.


Works very well for being new technology. If it can work with my crap microphone ( free with an old soundblaster card) and broad Scots accent should work for most people.
Can be used for all programs not just IL2- there are profiles for other games available
Can be easily tailored for users
Excellent support
Free trial and very low cost for full program.


Quick start files should be very slightly beefed up to help get into program quicker.
Slightly enhanced plonker factor as you are talking to your PC-
It has kept my wife amused as she shouts “engine off” or “bail out” just at a critical moment then runs away laughing

So overall I would recommend that you give this a try – I think most will find it useful and a nice addition to the sim
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