Book Review- I flew for the Fuhrer by Heinz Knoke

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Book Review- I flew for the Fuhrer by Heinz Knoke

Postby dieg777 on Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:12 pm

Book: I Flew for the Fuhrer
Author : Heinz Knoke
Pages : 187
Photos: 23
Published 1953

This is basically the diary of a Me109 pilot during WW2, the majority spent on the western front and home defense. He was credited with 33 combat victories by the end of the war.
The chapters and entries are short with excellent descriptions of combat which drives the story along at a fast pace.
He qualified after the Battle of Britain and was posted to the North Sea where he was able to practice flying and gain experience in a quite sector of the war. However in 1942 he was transferred to Holland and flew against the allied daylight bombers.
The book is a good companion to “Alert in the West (I Fought You from the Skies)” by Willi Heilmann; both describing the increasing frustration and melancholy that overtook the Luftwaffe pilots as the losses mounted and they continued to fly against the odds.
The mans opinions on some matters does not come over very favorably but they have been left in as a demonstration of his character.
A worthwhile read if interested in this area of the conflict
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Postby fastbikkel on Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:56 am

I have the book myself. Little info on my past : i've read multiple books on ww2 and particular the aircraft section of this history.

The book is well written and pretty easy to read. Very informative and a lot of details.
Fun too, he mentions something about chasing a british recon plane that comes over all the time. They finally succeed in shooting it down after some time and they have a drink and a laugh with the pilot after it.

I liked the book very much.
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