BOOK REVIEW- The Most Dangerous Enemy
AUTHOR- Stephen Bungay
Pages- 494
Pictures 44
Maps and diagrams
This book covers the Battle of Britain. It covers the build up to the war, the thoughts and strategies employed at the time concerning air power,the Battle itself and the power struggles on both sides between the personalities involved.
Stephen Bungay tries to be more objective from what he sees as the gung-ho versions and the myths that have built up around the Battle and to cover it from both sides. However I feel that his style is a bit lecturing in tone and kind of ;
I – have – looked – at – it – and – decided – this- is correct- so therefore- it-is
He is certainly thorough in his research and has accessed many documents and biographies to back up his story . He includes lots of data and statistics and even a section on the theory of air combat and generally does a good job in presenting his data, however there are to me weaknesses in some of the conclusions he draws.
The one thing that does stand out is the true difference a handful of talented and gifted men made to the outcome of the battle.
Maybe I am a bit of a romantic and its hard to put to rest the more heroic versions I was brought up with so although I found it an interesting and worthwhile read I preferred Fighter Boys by Patrick Bishop.