Book The Big Show
Author : Pierre Clostermann
Pages : 345
Photos : 34
Published : 1951; new unabridged version 2004
This is arguably the best biography and story of a pilot in WW2.
Pierre Clostermann balances narration and description to give a full insight into this period , the pilots, aircraft and missions they flew.
With such an action packed career it takes only 28 pages to arrive at Biggin Hill ,just after the Battle of Britain, and from then on Pierre Closterman takes the reader through the highs and lows of fighter sweeps over France in Spitfires and then ground support missions in Tempests. In all nearly 400 missions including over 30 kills.
Pierre faithfully kept a diary throughout his career and the book has an intimacy that really grabs the reader.
He was studying for a degree in aeronautical engineering in America when war broke out and so is able to bring a fine engineering and analytical viewpoint to the aircraft he flew, and fought, however at no time does this get dry or boring; rather it offers added insight into his story.
This book really opened my eyes to the scale of loss of RAF pilots at the latter part of the war who flew Typhoons and Tempests in ground support missions and against the remaining pilots in the Luftwaffe. And especially to the bravery and courage all pilots must have had to show in the face of continuing losses and death of comrades.
A well balanced viewpoint and strong narration makes this a strong recommendation.