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The new aircraft with Patch 4.03m and UQMG.

Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:20 am
by Brutom
Can the new aircraft be used in UQMG created missions?
Or does UQMG have to be up-dated in order to do this?
Thanks very much!

Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:03 am
by steve_h34
I am wondering the same....

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:43 am
by Kamikaze1111
historically . . . this has been the case. And it usually has taken UberDemon awhile to get things updated. Though on the positive side, he has usually included incredible amounts of functionality!
Has anyone heard anything from him lately? We're now two patches back . . .

Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:18 pm
by Aardvark892
A quick fix for the new aircraft: create the mission in UQMG with "placeholder" planes; that is, just use any plane since you'll change it soon. Open the mission in the FMB and change them to your choice of the new 335, Spit 25, 190 something-or-other, Mossie, Tempest, or any plane you choose. Since that's the only change you have to make, it's pretty quick and simple. The UQMG is still doing all the work for you.

Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:09 pm
by Brutom
I tried your suggestion, but wasn't able to find and load into FMB the UQMG mission that I want to modify.
Could you please post an easy to follow step-by-step for doing this?
Thanks very much!

Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:52 pm
by ClipWing
You should find the Mission you created with UQMB in the path Il2FB\Missions\Single\NN\Play UberQuick Mission.
To alter it:-
Select Full MB from Main Menu
In the FMB screen, select from the Drop Down menu in top left corner, the option to open the file (not to Load a new map)
You will now have a panel on the Left in which you can navigate to the above mentioned folder
Select the Mission you created (it is identified by the date created eg. 20060318 starts the file name for missions created on 18/March/2006)
It now appears on the Map. From the Drop-down menus at top left, select View>Object then in the dialogue box select Aircraft. Change it and Save.
Hope I've remembered it clearly, should get you there anyway.

Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:10 am
by ClipWing
A further thought.
If your mission in UQMB has several Flights on your side, obviously you must first select the Flight you wish to alter prior to the selsction of View.Object etc stage

Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:18 am
by Brutom
Clip Wing,
Thanks very much for your help!
I've gotten it going now.