Met problem

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Met problem

Postby wingston on Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:30 am


I installed the newest version of UQMG.
But I met a problem, can anyone help me?

The error message says "The file 'C:\Program Files\UberQuickPF\ini\fb100\map0\MissionType.ini' was not found,or file data is corrupt. This application may terminate."

But there is no map0 folder in the installation.
Sorry I tried but not able to paste a jpeg image in the document.
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Postby wingston on Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:41 am

I resolved by myself after unzipping fb100.exe file.
Just notice that.
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Postby UberDemon on Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:16 am


However, ff you don't start the original installation UQMG at least once before you installed the upgrade, you cannot install the upgrade. If you unzipped fb100 after you applied the upgrade, then you need to reaply the upgrade, then everything will be updated, otherwise, some updates will be messed up.

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