Can't install UQMG - file msflxgrd.ocx missing...

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Can't install UQMG - file msflxgrd.ocx missing...

Postby mango42 on Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:46 pm

This is weird 'cos I loaded it no prob on another m/c (AMD64 Win98se) with no error msgs but on this new P4 with same Win98se I get the eror msflxgrd.ocx either missing or not reg'd. I've installed vbrun60sp5.exe but still no joy.

Very hesitant to lay this on you, Uberdemon but I'm stumped. Did think it might be a Word component so installed that too - still nothing doing...

Machine is still 'clean' - just FB+AEP2.04 and everthing else same...

Any suggestions very gratefully received.
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Postby UberDemon on Fri May 27, 2005 3:21 am


That is bizarre. From the earliest versions of UQMG, the the flex grid control was always used, and UQMG was originally written in Windows ME, which is similar to 98SE in many ways, plus I installed UQMG in 98SE machines before, as you have already done...

Do you have a spreadsheet program in your new PC, whether it is Excel, Works, or Star Suite?
Best Regards,
uberdemon at
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