One question about installation process

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One question about installation process

Postby |ZUTI| on Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:46 am

Hi all,

i'm new to this forums and program. Just had some problems running the game after running "setup.exe". The program was notifying me, that under ini/fb100/main/ a directory named "map0" was missing. And so it was :) Fiddled with everything for a bit and then ran "fb100.exe" and extracted to some temp dir. That contained the missing directory. So i copied all the extracted files to ini/fb100/main directory and everything is workig (grat tool this program is!).

My question. Did i miss something in install instructions or is that a "bug"?

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Postby UberDemon on Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:23 am

When you run the program the first time, the self contained zip executable fb100.exe comes up... but the dialog may have been covered by another window... then the program shuts down and you can restart it. As long as you do this, and then after you run and create a mission, then you can install the upgrade.

Hope you enjoy UQMG.
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