I just downloaded Mission Mate 2.0. I want to print the complete Help file.
I changed the page setup to print out in landscape mode. I then went to print preview and began to scroll through the pages to see if I might be able to rearrange a few lines in order to make the document a bit easier to read. When I got to page 16, it was blank and subsequent pages were also blank until I reached page 55. My question is: Is there any information missing in these 39 pages or is this simply a 39 page gap.
The total pages listed in landscape mode is 132. However, if the missing pages don't contain any information, then the document would be 132 minus 39 or 93 pages long or thereabouts. I'm guessing that the 39 blank pages is a glitch but before I pring out such a large document, I thought I'd better find out if I actually have it all.
Thanks for your help and I'm looking forward to using this utility to improve my flying skills.
AKA stingray69@direcway.com