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OK...... one thing....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:13 pm
by Bearcat
The omnly thing I can suggest is that you tweak it so that I can over write missions already saved with the same name...say I just weant to change the TOD..... and then I hit save.. it tells me that there is already a mission with that name... if lie in the QMB it would let me overwrite the existing one.. just ask em if I am sure... that would be great. Thats all I can find so far. I like the program. A lot. 8) :lol:

Re: OK...... one thing....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:37 am
by CrazySchmidt
Bearcat wrote:The omnly thing I can suggest is that you tweak it so that I can over write missions already saved with the same name...say I just weant to change the TOD..... and then I hit save.. it tells me that there is already a mission with that name... if lie in the QMB it would let me overwrite the existing one.. just ask em if I am sure... that would be great. Thats all I can find so far. I like the program. A lot. 8) :lol:

Hi Bearcat, I understand what you are saying and take your point.

Allow me to explain a little about the logic and thinking behind MM (in part anyway). Everything that I have programmed into MM I have given thought to and have done for a reason. With some features I can't always remember the reason myself at times, until I rethink about the overall concept of MM and then again I can remind myself why I have produced things a certain way.

MM has been designed to produce disposable type missions, that is to say that depending on the mission type it should only take somewhere between 10 seconds - 2 minutes to create a successful, enjoyable quick mission. With this in mind, the idea is that MM creates a mission file named "MisMateQuick.mis" which is written into the MM mission directory available directly from the IL-2 interface and is re-written each time without asking the user for permission to over write. This in essence, is the similarity to the QMB mission type.

The idea behind the "Save Mission" option is to allow the user to save a mission that may be working particularly well and it is unlikely that it could be reproduced exactly the same way a second time. If this is the case and bearing in mind that one could produce another in a matter of seconds, MM assumes that the mission is precious and therefore insists that you use another name preventing the user from inadvertently over writing a mission that is probably not desirable to be over written.

I have accidentally over written FMB missions in the past by simply being too hasty and then regretting like hell that I hadn't given it more thought before clicking "OK". Once a favourite is gone, it is almost impossible to reproduce it exactly the same way again, it may only be a matter of seconds in the timing between points that can change the whole feel of a part of a mission IMO.

Anyway, that is the reason behind what understandably seems like a silly oversight in the programming.

Knowing my crazy logic, I'm sure you'll find more mate :mrgreen: . Please feel free to make as many suggestions and comments as you like, I'm happy to answer all good or bad. :D

Cheers, CS. :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:39 am
by Bearcat
Rgr.... I understand.... but the thi9ng is just so darned good.... I made a mission where I had the the wrong planes and I wanted to keep the scenario.. byut just change the planes and couldnt... no biggie though... the fact that I can name them all individually is good enough . I already have a few in my folder and I could see this betting biugger than my quicks folder in no time. 8)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:27 pm
by CrazySchmidt
Bearcat wrote:Rgr.... I understand.... but the thi9ng is just so darned good.... I made a mission where I had the the wrong planes and I wanted to keep the scenario.. byut just change the planes and couldnt... no biggie though... the fact that I can name them all individually is good enough . I already have a few in my folder and I could see this betting biugger than my quicks folder in no time. 8)

If the mission was created in MM you can easily change the plane types through the editor. The main window has an edit button right bottom corner, use that to read the mission back into the editor and then change the plane types as you wish.

The other thing to explore for saving missions are the parameter file options, which are located in the file menu top left in the quick mission builder window. This allows you to bring MM back, exactly into the state you left it on a previous session.

Glad to see you are enjoying it Bearcat.

Cheers, CS. :)