VAC with Windows 98?

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VAC with Windows 98?

Postby sgilewicz on Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:49 pm

Hi Ron,

I'm putting together a "legacy" PC to run older sims like EAW and WW2 fighters and plan on using Win98 SE as the OS. Will VAC work with 98? Thanks!

Lance Air Corporal
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Re: VAC with Windows 98?

Postby Shift_E on Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:49 pm

Hi Stan,

I've never tried to run VAC on Windows 98, but I'm almost 100% sure it will not run on 98.


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Re: VAC with Windows 98?

Postby sgilewicz on Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:02 pm

No need for apologies! I knew this was going to present some "interesting" problems with various hardware components and software apps. Fortunately, the older "legacy sims" don't offer a great deal of interaction with your squad mates so it's not like dealing with Falcon AF or IL-2 1946. Thanks for the quick reply and I hope you and yours are well!

Lance Air Corporal
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