VAC is causing delays.

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VAC is causing delays.

Postby dove_58 on Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:37 pm

Hi Shift_E,

Need your help or advice for a problem.

I have used an earlier version of VAC (can't remember which one) together with IL2 Forgotten Battles without any problem at all. The profile was created in October 2005 and it was a seperate install of the speech software and VAC.
Two month ago I bought IL2 1946 Edition. I did a new format of my harddrive and made a fresh full install of VAC 1.8.5 using the same profile. Since then, when I'm using VAC I get delays. As an example, pressing the trigger results in a delay before cannons actually fireing and after releasing the trigger I have a continous fireing a second or two. If I turn VAC off the delays disappear.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Can I install an earlier revision on top of 1.8.5 without uninstalling?

Appreciate all help I can get.


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Postby Shift_E on Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:56 pm

Hi Dove,

It sounds like something is constantly causing VAC/SAPI to be railed. I assumed after you re-loaded your system, you did the voice training and microphone wizard.

I don't have an exact answer for you, but can offer some areas that I would look at.

Check the sound device hardware acceleration.
Check the DirectX version 9.0c.
Check the hardware device manager and make sure all devices are installed okay.
Try running VAC alone and monitor with Task Manager.

It could also be things seemingly unrelated, like incorrect Logitech drivers.

I hope this is of some help,

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VAC is causing delays.

Postby dove_58 on Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Hi again Shift_E,

Thank you for the quick reply.
I have checked you suggestions and here is some feedback.

Voice training and microphone wizard is done.
Sound device hardware acceleration is set as before to full (SB Audigy 2 ZS).
DirectX is version 9.0c and "no problems" on every tab.
Hardware device manager is ok.
No Logitech drivers on my computer.

I did monitor VAC/SAPI with Task Manager and there is some strange behavior here. Without doing anything I get a CPU reading of 2-6% for the Sapisvr.exe with 2-5 seconds interval. When I tap on the microphone it seems that I get a constantly load of the CPU of 2-6% (could be my imagination).

I will try this weekend to uninstall and reinstall software and speech package.


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Postby GADGET on Sun May 20, 2007 10:43 pm

I am experiencing a similar problem.

When using VAC online in iL-2 1946 coop missions together with TeamSpeak, some times I experience a delay after guiving orders to the AI pilots.

For instance te command RED FLIGHT REJOIN results in no action, so I have to repeat the command twice or three times thinking that VAC did not recognized my speach.

Nevertheless, sometimes even 30 seconds later, iL-2 1946 4.08m executes all the orders, as if all commands were received with a delay, but at the same time.

I suspect of TeamSpeak sharing memory addresses with iL-2 and VAC. Can it be true?
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Postby Shift_E on Mon May 21, 2007 12:48 am

Is the delay with VAC only experienced when using IL2 1946 DVD version?

If you VAC in other games without IL2 1946 DVD in the computer, do you still experience delays?

Quick Mission Tuner
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Vac is causing delays.

Postby dove_58 on Mon May 21, 2007 6:50 pm

Hi Shift_E,

Sorry Shift_E for not reporting how it went. You were right, something was constantly causing VAC/SAPI to be railed.
I unistalled the full install of 1.8.5. After that I installed the speech engine alone and after that the 1.8.5 core install. Now everything works as it should.


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