
A place for discussion about QMT, get answers and chat with the author. This is a good place for ideas and problem solving. So come on in and make your posts now.

Moderator: Shift_E


Postby ~HH~ Beebop on Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:32 am

What a marvelous program. After over a year of using the FMB the "old fashioned way" I discovered QMT. I tend to make "templates" and build from there. QMT is the perfect program. One plane, one set of waypoints and almost in the blink of an eye, the skies are filled with aircraft.

Thanks Shift_E. And a big thank you for helping me on comms to resolve the only issue I've ever had with the program, the answer for which was right under my nose. :oops:

Mountain climbers say they climb moutains because they are there. I build missions because they're not yet made.
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:18 pm

QMT is just great for chaging missions such as co-ops when running training missions online, you can quickly make changes to aircraft sets.
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Postby Shift_E on Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:06 pm

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. It makes the effort worth it. :D


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