What it should look like...both day and night.

IL-2, LockON, Photoshopped or not, post here any screenshots you have made.

What it should look like...both day and night.

Postby choctaw111 on Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:21 am


Here are two photoshopped pics that I had posted at the Il2 forums a while back. This is the actual color of a 50 cal tracer taken from a picture that I took after I actually lit a real 50 cal tracer with a torch! I copied the color of the tracer and used it to edit these pics so that it is the right color and brightness. I have fired 50 cal machine guns extensively during my 12 years in the Army and these are the most realistic tracers that I have seen. I only wish that we had these in Il2. Hopefully in BoB. I also added the bouncing and rocochet effect. When the bullets hit the ground or an object they do not magically disappear. Some get stuck in the ground but others bounce off and back into the sky. Of coarse it depends on how steep an angle you are shooting at the ground. The more shallow the angle the more the bullets will bounce off as opposed to sticking in the ground at a steeper angle...
Strike Hold!
Air Cadet Level 2
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:41 am

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