Saitek announces X52Pro HOTAS

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Saitek announces X52Pro HOTAS

Postby MaXMhZ on Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:31 am

There's a lot happening in the flightsim world at the moment, and Saitek decided to join in (again) with the announcement of the X52 Pro HOTAS


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Postby Mysticpuma on Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:17 am

To be honest I had the chance to ty one of these out at the International Flight Sim show in Birmingham (UK) last Sunday....and...I was very disappointed!

It is nearly £30 more then the X-52, and feels exactly the same, and yet looks (IMHO) cheaper and less functional.

The X-52 is very well laid out for me, but this Pro version just doesn't have the same (again IMHO), accessability and hands on usefulness.

To be honest, I was very disappointed as I was considering an upgrade, glad I had the chance to try it, as I straight-away changed my mind!

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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:29 am

Thanks for your input MP!

You are very right that it is allways a good idea to try out a stick/HOTAS/rudder pedals before you decide to buy it. If it does not feel right to you, it does not matter how good the layout or how many buttons or rotaries it has. A game controller should fit you like a glove. Only then buy it.

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