Getting the force feedback signals out of a joystick

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Getting the force feedback signals out of a joystick

Postby pollemix on Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:22 pm

Good day,

I think IL-2 in all forms is the greatest thing ever conceived. To get a most realistic feel I took the microsoft force feedback joystick and did some changes:

1. Longer XY axis

2. Sent throttle and couple of buttons to a different cheap analog control for my left hand (similar to Saitek X52)

3. Both XY and throttle are placed in the chair (XY between my legs, throttle on the left)

4. The control for the rudder was succesfuly transfered to a 5 CD ROUND TURNTABLE / spring centered which I control with my feet (laugh it up but back then the only thing close to it was the throttle pedal/brake set for car gaming which didn´t work for my purpouse).

All that plus the force feedback AND the track IR gives you a pretty decent feel of reality (mouse is only used for map support and gunner duties when not piloting). The problem is that the forcefeedback hardware from microsoft is not very solid.

On the other hand, Saitek X52 has all the features you could expect from a solid, centered, well reviewed & serious gamer hardware BUT without my beloved force feedback capabilities, not to mention the fact that a joystick sitting on a table makes it just too easy an unrealistic.

Is there a way I can somehow take the force feedback signals out of a Saitek control so I can design a circuitry for an external (possibly chair adapted) movement input? (i´m thinking of some pulse operated pneumatic arms but I´m open to any pointers)

God bless Oleg.

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