All quite good products Rattler.
a-Squared free from
EMSI is another good one. Zone|Alarm, Mailwasher Pro (29% spam in feb 2007 blocked), and NetPeeker also do their work here.
I also use ProtoWall with blocklists through Blocklist Manager) from (free). It's a bit hard to install because you have to manually add the service to your Ethernet card, but well worth it IMHO. The blocklists are held up-to-date quite good. and block spyware, hackers and a lot more - even lists for manufacturers like M$, universities, government/defence agencies etc. can be selected in Blocklist Manager. ProtoWall has a VERY small footprint and blocks literally millions of IP's when all lists are selected. It also keeps a log.
I'm pretty secure from malware using all these, but I still think there should be tough laws put in place against all these buggers. It's more than enough they spoil my TV and radio channels with all their annoying ads.In a recent interview a rep from one of our ISP's stated they blocked more than 15 million spam emails just in december 2006 - and that in a small country like the Netherlands! (Never "bounce" spam - it will most likely be delivered to the next victim - just delete it).
Even on the forums here we're sometimes quite busy cleaning their crap out.
It's good practice not to click on links provided by a new user in his first post or his WWW link. It can take a couple of hours before we catch 'em and kick them out.