Copying Planes

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Copying Planes

Postby Proud IL2 ACE on Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:33 pm

Is it possible to copy planes from Pacific Fighters(ie. P-51) to the Original Il2 Sturmovik? If so tell me how to do it, Please.
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:17 pm

Sorry, you can not copy any of the a/c from one version to another. The a/c a locked in per version and there is no way to alter them (including copying).

If you have the funds I would recommend buying The IL2 1946 DVD which contains all of the a/c up to this time.
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Postby Proud IL2 ACE on Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:00 am

When will it be availible in the us?
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:03 am

It already is, check out online stores (and the home page of this site to find places selling it. I can't give you any more info than that because I got mine in New Zealand though many others will be able to point you in the right direction.
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Postby MudPuppy on Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:57 pm

Hey, my few cents worth...I've not heard when (or if) it will be available in any US retail stores. The only means that i know of currently for buying the IL 1946 DVD is from an online outlet. I used but check the NWS Online store that is linked from the main page here as well.
Having all of the versions since Forgotten Battles in one package is a definite plus, the big pdf file listing all of the planes is a big help too.
Just remember its a DVD, so you'll need that optical drive. It does have some copy protection software called "SecureRom" as part of the deal requiring you to insert the disk every time you wish to play. The 1C/Maddox team have already released a patch (beta) that covers some cosmetic boo-boos tweaks a few planes flight modelling. Although I've not loaded that on yet, I'll wait to see if it changes. But still....
I'm loving it, even with copy protection hassle of an extra step.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:20 pm

IL2 Ace, IL-2 Sturmovik is the original IL-2 and support for it has stopped several years ago, meaning no more patches will be developed for it.
IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles is the successor of IL-2 Sturmovik, which has several (pay for) extentions like Ace Expansion Pack, IL-2 Pacific Fighters, Pe-2, Sturmoviks over Manchuria and '46. All these are included in the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 DVD. It's a huge package with lots of maps and even more planes. You will need a DVD player to install/play it on your system. It will also place higher demands on your system than IL-2 Sturmovik because it uses a new game engine with lots more eye candy, more planes with bigger custom skins, bigger and more maps etc etc. In the US IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 can be purchased from several online retailers, but no distribution plans for the US have been announced upto this day by UBISoft.
Last edited by MaXMhZ on Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Proud IL2 ACE on Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:24 pm

Is it an entire different game or is it just an addon?
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:31 pm

It's an entirely new game, with the same functionality as IL-2 Sturmovik.
It looks better, flies better and has much more options.

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Postby Proud IL2 ACE on Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:26 pm

how much will it cost. what are the requirements.
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Postby MaXMhZ on Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:41 pm

The current price at NWS Online shop is $47.99 see this link
It's also available from and

Minimal requirement are a bit hard to determine because this would depend on what settings you find acceptable and what type of game (number of planes in the air and objects on the ground) you would want to play.
I consider my current system a minimal requirement.
P4 1.7GHz, 1 GByte DDR 266 (PC2100) with a Radeon 9600 video card and Creative Audigy 2ZS soundcard
If I'm flying offline (quick mission) without other planes in the air, I can reach an fps from 20-40 on perfect settings 1024x768 with 6xAA and 16x Aniso. This means beautifull water with reflections of ships etc. If I lower the graphics settings the gameplay improves dramatically. If I put just a few other planes in the air though it becomes unacceptable quickly.

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Postby Proud IL2 ACE on Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:15 am

MaXMhZ, I have just ordered my copy of Il2 Sturmovik 1946 from the NWS online store. I also have one question. I saw a review that says it includes Forgotten battles and AEP is possobile to istall my pacific fighters game in to it.
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Postby IV/JG1_Oesau on Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:05 am

It includes Pacific Fighters in it. It is in effect IL2 FB + AEP (add on) + PF (add on or stand alone game) + Pe2 + IL10 (add on) + 1946 (add on).
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Postby MaXMhZ on Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:46 am

PF is indeed included in the Sturmovik 1946 DVD, as is Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, Pe-2, and Sturmoviks over Manchuria and '46.
There is one little catch though - it will install to Forgotten Battles version 4.07 Merged in one go. This means you can't install to previous versions like FB+AEP 2.04 or any of the Pacific Fighters Standalone versions. On the other hand there is not realy a reason I can think of why you would want to do that. 4.071m is the latest version (4.07 with just released patch 4.071mbeta)
I'm fairly certain everyone will be playing this version within months.
All maps, planes, carriers, and objects from previous versions are available in 4.07m. The only thing that could give trouble are .trk recordings from other versions. These are version specific (These are the tracks you save after you flew e.g. a quick mission. The Nettrack (.ntrk) recordings are version independant (upward compatible)and will all work on 4.07m
You can assign a key under controls to start/stop recording nettracks(Quick-Record command). You can re-record snipets on nettrack playback, and it will show all custom skins in the recorded track.

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